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Tkinter 帮助查看器

[英]Tkinter help viewer

I have a simple Tkinter app in Python.我在 Python 中有一个简单的 Tkinter 应用程序。 I'd like to add help document to it;我想为其添加帮助文档; what is the simplest way to integrate an help viewer to the app?将帮助查看器集成到应用程序的最简单方法是什么? Preferably cross-platform (although I primarily use Windows)?最好是跨平台的(虽然我主要使用 Windows)?

I can imagine writing the help in plain HTML.我可以想象用纯 HTML 编写帮助。

Or just launch an external web browser, using the webbrowser module from the standard library. 或者使用标准库中的webbrowser模块启动外部Web浏览器。

import webbrowser

For writing your documentation, have a look at sphinx . 要编写文档,请查看sphinx

You could stick with writting in html, and then using something like this: Tkhtml which displays html pretty well and is fairly lightweight. 您可以坚持使用html中的写入 ,然后使用这样的东西: Tkhtml显示html相当好,并且相当轻量级。 :) :)

And here is the python wrapper . 这是python包装器 I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

I found that package tkinterweb ( https://pypi.org/project/tkinterweb/ ) provides HtmlFrame that will display HTML.我发现包 tkinterweb ( https://pypi.org/project/tkinterweb/ ) 提供了将显示 HTML 的 HtmlFrame。 I wanted to used markdown - Python-Markdown ( https://python-markdown.github.io/ ) converts markdown into HTML, so I used both.我想使用 markdown - Python-Markdown ( https://python-markdown.github.io/ ) 将 markdown 转换为 HTML,所以我同时使用了两者。 Both are pip-installable.两者都是 pip 可安装的。 Here's some sample code:这是一些示例代码:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinterweb import HtmlFrame
import markdown
import tempfile

root = tk.Tk()
frame = HtmlFrame(root, messages_enabled=False)

m_text = (
    'Markdown sample (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Examples)\n'
    '# Alternative heading #\n'
    'Paragraphs are separated\n'
    'by a blank line.\n'
    'Two spaces at the end of a line  \n'
    'produce a line break.\n'
    'Text attributes _italic_, **bold**, `monospace`.\n'
    'Horizontal rule:\n'
    'Bullet lists nested within numbered list:\n'
    '  1. fruits\n'
    '     * apple\n'
    '     * banana\n'
    '  2. vegetables\n'
    '     - carrot\n'
    '     - broccoli\n'
    'A [link](http://example.com).\n'
    '![Image](Icon-pictures.png "icon")\n'
    '> Markdown uses email-style\n'
    'characters for blockquoting.\n'
    '> Multiple paragraphs need to be prepended individually.\n'
    'Most inline <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr> is supported.\n'

# normally read the text from a file
with open('sample.md', 'r') as f:
    m_text = f.read()
m_html = markdown.markdown(m_text)
temp_html = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w')
with open(temp_html.name, 'w') as f:
frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True)

If you compare the generated HTML from markdown with that in the Wikipedia entry you can see it does a cracking job.如果将markdown生成的 HTML 与 Wikipedia 条目中的 HTML 进行比较,您会发现它做得很好。 However, HtmlFrame isn't perfect, but good enough for basic markdown.然而, HtmlFrame并不完美,但对于基本的HtmlFrame来说已经足够了。

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