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[英]google app engine jsonpickle

Has anyone got jsonpickle working on the google app engine? 有没有人让jsonpickle在谷歌应用程序引擎上工作? My logs say there is no module but there is a module as sure as you're born. 我的日志说没有模块,但有一个模块肯定你出生了。 i'm using jsonpickle 0.32. 我正在使用jsonpickle 0.32。

<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named jsonpickle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/base/data/home/apps/xxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/main.py", line 4, in <module>
    import jsonpickle

I have managed to make it work registering django.utils.simplejson as a json encoder/decoder. 我已经成功地将django.utils.simplejson注册为json编码器/解码器。 In this real file index.py class Pizza is encoded and decoded back: 在这个真正的文件index.py类中,Pizza被编码并解码回来:

from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

import jsonpickle

class Pizza:

class Example(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        encoded = jsonpickle.encode(Pizza())
        self.response.out.write( jsonpickle.decode(encoded).__class__ )

run_wsgi_app(webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', Example),],debug=True))

As this post explains, jsonpickle requires one of a few underlying JSON modules. 正如这篇文章所解释的那样, jsonpickle需要一些基础JSON模块。 I would fix the issue as follows -- put at the top of your module(s) that need jsonpickle the following few lines: 我会解决这个问题如下 - 把你需要jsonpickle的模块顶部放在以下几行:

import sys
import django.utils.simplejson
sys.modules['simplejson'] = django.utils.simplejson

This addresses the problem: jsonpickle needs simplejson (as one of the JSON modules it can use), but GAE has it as django.utils.simplejson , so you need to "alias" it appropriately. 这解决了这个问题:jsonpickle需要simplejson (作为它可以使用的JSON模块之一),但GAE将它作为django.utils.simplejson ,所以你需要适当地“别名”它。

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