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为什么在此Perl代码中出现“'$ rocks ['附近的语法错误””?

[英]Why do I get “Syntax error near '$rocks['” in this Perl code?

When I run this program on ActivePerl 5.8 on Windows XP, I get a syntax error: 在Windows XP的ActivePerl 5.8上运行此程序时,出现语法错误:


use strict; # enabled
use warnings;

(my $rocks[0], my $rocks[1]) = qw/Hello World/; # Syntax error near '$rocks['

my $rocks[2] = 'Tom'; # Syntax error near '$rocks['
my $rocks[3] = 'Cat'; # Syntax error near '$rocks['

print $rocks[0];
print $rocks[1];
print $rocks[2];
print $rocks[3];

When I used ( @ ) before the name of the array rocks , it worked well. 当我在数组rocks的名称前使用( @ )时,它运行良好。 How do I fix the error above when I used $ ? 使用$时,如何解决以上错误? Thank you. 谢谢。

my @rocks = qw{Hello World Tom Cat}; # worked well.

Don't use my again and again to declare $rocks[0] , $rocks[1] etc. Declare the array once ( @rocks ) and use it. 不要一次又一次地使用my声明$rocks[0]$rocks[1]等。一次声明数组( @rocks )并使用它。

The corrected code is something like this: 更正后的代码是这样的:

use strict;
use warnings; 
my @rocks; ## declare the array here

($rocks[0], $rocks[1]) = qw/Hello World/; 
$rocks[2] = 'Tom'; 
$rocks[3] = 'Cat';

Use the push operator: 使用push操作符:

my @rocks;

push @rocks, qw/ Hello World /;
push @rocks, "Tom";
push @rocks, "Cat";

Avoiding explicit and redundant array indices helps future-proof your code. 避免显式和冗余的数组索引可帮助您的代码适应未来需求。 For example, if you find you need to change your initialization, you can't botch an array index that isn't there. 例如,如果发现需要更改初始化,则无法破坏不存在的数组索引。

I think you need to declare my @rocks and then not use my any more when referring to $rocks[xxx] . 我认为您需要声明my @rocks ,然后在引用$rocks[xxx]时不再使用my

If you don't know how many elements are going to be in there, you can use push to add new elements into the (initially 0-sized) array. 如果您不知道其中有多少个元素,可以使用push将新元素添加到(最初为0大小)数组中。

You are redeclaring @rocks several times. 您多次声明@rocks Try something like this instead: 尝试这样的事情:

my @rocks;

$rocks[0] = 'Tom';
$rocks[1] = 'Cat';

etc. 等等

You can first declare the array at the top as: 您可以首先在顶部将数组声明为:

my @rocks;

And remove my declaration from all other places. 并从其他所有地方删除我的声明。

Your code becomes: 您的代码变为:

# ActivePerl 5.8 based
use strict; # enabled
use warnings;

my @rocks;

($rocks[0], $rocks[1]) = qw/Hello World/; # Syntax error near '$rocks['

$rocks[2] = 'Tom'; # Syntax error near '$rocks['
$rocks[3] = 'Cat'; # Syntax error near '$rocks['

print $rocks[0];
print $rocks[1];
print $rocks[2];
print $rocks[3];

Why don't you just put it straight into @rocks ? 为什么不直接将它放入@rocks呢?

use strict;
use warnings;

my @rocks = qw'Hello World';

my $rocks[2] = 'Tom';
my $rocks[3] = 'Cat';

print $rocks[0];
print $rocks[1];
print $rocks[2];
print $rocks[3];


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