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安装Team Foundation Server

[英]Installing Team Foundation Server

What are the best practices in setting up a new instance of TFS 2008 Workgroup edition? 设置TFS 2008 Workgroup版本新实例的最佳做法是什么?

Specifically, the constraints are as follows: 具体来说,约束如下:

  • Must install on an existing Windows Server 2008 64 bit 必须安装在现有的Windows Server 2008 64位上
  • TFS application layer is 32 bit only TFS应用程序层仅为32位

Should I install SQL Server 2008, Sharepoint and the app layer in a virtual instance of Windows Server 2008 or 2003(I am already running Hyper-V) or split the layers with a database on the host OS and the app layer in a virtual machine? 我应该在Windows Server 2008或2003的虚拟实例中安装SQL Server 2008,Sharepoint和应用层(我已在运行Hyper-V),还是在主机操作系统上使用数据库和虚拟机中的应用层拆分层?

Edit: Apparently, splitting the layers is not recommended 编辑:显然, 建议拆分图层

This is my recipe for installing TFS 2008 SP1. 这是我安装TFS 2008 SP1的秘诀。

There is no domain controller in this scenario, we are only a couple of users. 在这种情况下没有域控制器,我们只有几个用户。 If I was to do it again, I would consider changing our environement to use a active directory domain. 如果我再次这样做,我会考虑更改我们的环境以使用活动目录域。

  • Host Server running Windows Server 2008 with 8GB RAM and quad processor 运行Windows Server 2008的主机服务器,带有8GB RAM和四核处理器
  • Fresh install of Windows Server 2008 32bit in a VM under Hyper-V 在Hyper-V下的VM中全新安装Windows Server 2008 32位
  • Install Application Server role with IIS 使用IIS安装Application Server角色
  • Install SQL Server 2008 Standard edition 安装SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition
    • Use a user account for Reporting Services and Analysis Services 使用Reporting Services和Analysis Services的用户帐户
  • Create a slipstreamed image of TFS 2008 with SP1 and install TFS 创建TFS 2008 SP1的整合图像并安装TFS
  • Install VSTS 2008 安装VSTS 2008
  • Install Team System Explorer 安装Team System Explorer
  • Install VSTS 2008 SP1 安装VSTS 2008 SP1
  • Install TFS Web Access Power tool 安装TFS Web Access电源工具

After installing everything, reports were not generated. 安装完所有内容后,未生成报告。 Found this forum post that helped resolve the problem. 找到了这个有助于解决问题的论坛帖子

It is very important to do things in order, download the installation guide and follow it to the letter. 按顺序执行操作非常重要,请下载安装指南并按照说明操作。 I forgot to install the Team System Explorer until after installing SP1 and ventured into all sorts of problems. 我忘记安装Team System Explorer,直到安装SP1并冒险进入各种问题。 Installing SP1 once more fixed that. 再次安装SP1修复了该问题。

One critical thing you has to keep in mind about TFS, is that it likes to have the machine all to it self. 关于TFS,你必须要记住的一件重要事情就是它喜欢把机器全部都放在自己身上。 So if you have to create a separate instance on Hyper-V do it using the proven Windows Server 2003 platform with SQL Server 2005. 因此,如果您必须在Hyper-V上创建单独的实例,请使用经过验证的Windows Server 2003平台和SQL Server 2005。

I am sure Microsoft has done a great job getting it to work under Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008, however you don't get any additional features with this newer install and it is currently unproven in the wild. 我确信Microsoft在Windows Server 2008和SQL Server 2008下完成了很好的工作,但是这个新安装没有获得任何其他功能,而且目前尚未得到证实。

So my recommendation is to stick with what is known until the next release of TFS comes out. 因此,我的建议是坚持使用已知的内容直到TFS的下一个版本发布。

Also splitting the layers is definitely not recommended, especially in the workgroup edition where you will only be allowed to have 5 licensed users. 同样不建议拆分图层,特别是在工作组版本中,您只允许拥有5个许可用户。 Those 5 users will never exceed the server's needs. 这5个用户永远不会超过服务器的需求。 Also my recommendation is to not update Sharepoint if you don't need to. 我的建议是,如果您不需要,也不要更新Sharepoint。 In my environment, we don't really use Sharepoint all that much, so I left it alone. 在我的环境中,我们并没有真正使用Sharepoint,所以我不管它。 Sharepoint is usually, in my experience, where most of the problems come from with TFS. 根据我的经验,Sharepoint通常是大多数问题来自TFS。

I just upgraded our team to TFS 2008, from TFS 2005. The hardest part was upgrading SharePoint 2.0 to 3.0, so I would make sure to do that first, if you have not already installed TFS 2008. We had a couple of other difficulties, but they were all either related to the SharePoint upgrade, or to the fact that we were using an aftermarket Policy package - Scrum for TeamSystem. 我刚刚从TFS 2005升级了我们的团队到TFS 2008.最困难的部分是将SharePoint 2.0升级到3.0,所以如果你还没有安装TFS 2008,我会确保先做到这一点。我们还遇到了其他一些困难,但它们都与SharePoint升级相关,或者与我们使用售后市场策略包 - Scrum for TeamSystem相关。 We are on SQL Server 2005, so I cannot address SQL Server 2008. As for splitting the layers, we did not do this either, as we are running on Windows Server 2003 and everything ran under the host OS. 我们在SQL Server 2005上,所以我无法解决SQL Server 2008.至于拆分层,我们也没有这样做,因为我们在Windows Server 2003上运行,一切都在主机操作系统下运行。

Splitting the layers is only needed for more than 450 users. 超过450个用户只需要拆分图层。

I would also recommend having the Build Server on a completely seperate machine. 我还建议在完全独立的机器上安装Build Server。 Building is very file system intensive. 构建是非常严重的文件系统。 SQL Server performs best when it has complete control of a file system - so having build and TFS on the same machine may create performance issues while builds are executing. SQL Server在完全控制文件系统时性能最佳 - 因此在构建执行时,在同一台机器上构建和TFS可能会产生性能问题。

Perhaps this can be alleviated with proper tuning and seperate physical drives - but I'd think in the long run it would be a lot simpler to just either use some old hardware - or spin up a small virtual machine on a seperate host for your builds 也许这可以通过适当的调整和单独的物理驱动器来缓解 - 但我认为从长远来看,使用一些旧硬件或在单独的主机上为您的构建启动一个小型虚拟机会简单得多

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