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[英]Url Matching using Gruber's regex in PHP

how do I get the regex mentioned in this article working with preg_match in php? 如何在php中使用preg_match处理本文中提到的正则表达式?

preg_match("\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))/i", $text, $matches);

Using the code above I get the following error: 使用上面的代码我收到以下错误:

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash...

Try this: 尝试这个:

preg_match("#\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))#i", $text, $matches);

You were missing the regex delimiters (usually / , but using # here because it's more convenient for URLs) 你错过了正则表达式分隔符(通常是/ ,但是在这里使用# ,因为它对URL更方便)

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