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[英]Using Global Variables to communicate values between classes

So my simple idea is to create an app that allows the user to report their location's latitude and longitude coordinates via email. 因此,我的简单想法是创建一个允许用户通过电子邮件报告其位置的纬度和经度坐标的应用程序。 You tap the button, the email screen comes up via the MessageUI framework, the To, Subject, and Body fields are already pre-entered, all that's needed is for the user to hit "send". 您单击该按钮,将通过MessageUI框架显示电子邮件屏幕,“收件人”,“主题”和“正文”字段已经预先输入,用户只需单击“发送”即可。

My problem, is that I need the latitude and longitude coordinates to be included in the email body. 我的问题是,我需要将纬度和经度坐标包含在电子邮件正文中。 Those coordinate variables are generated in the -(void)CLLocationManager function and turned into strings, just like I need. 就像我需要的那样,那些坐标变量是在-(void)CLLocationManager函数中生成的,并变成了字符串。 The problem is, the email is being sent from another function, -(void)displayComposerSheet, and I can't figure out how to get the lat / long strings into the body of the email to be sent. 问题是,电子邮件是从另一个函数-(void)displayComposerSheet发送的,我不知道如何将经/纬度字符串放入要发送的电子邮件正文中。 After pounding my way through Google for a bit, I've come across the idea of Global Variables. 在通过Google进行了一些尝试之后,我遇到了“全局变量”的想法。 This seems like it's what I need to implement. 这似乎是我需要实现的。 A lot of sources are saying "declare your variables in the app delegate and then you'll be able to use them wherever in your code", or at least that's what I'm taking it to mean. 许多消息来源都说“在应用程序委托中声明变量,然后您就可以在代码中的任何位置使用它们”,或者至少这就是我要表达的意思。 Again, I'll stress that I'm fairly new to this game. 再次强调,我是这个游戏的新手。 So, it seems that if I were to create my latitude and longitude strings in the delegate.m file instead of the project .m file, then I'll be able to call upon them at my leisure and, presto, send them in my email's body. 因此,看来,如果我要在proxy.m文件而不是project .m文件中创建纬度和经度字符串,那么我将可以在闲暇时调用它们,然后将其发送到电子邮件的正文。

I'm just not exactly where all my "stuff" is supposed to go. 我并不是我所有的“东西”都应该放到哪里。 Here's what I've got so far (which works perfectly). 这是到目前为止我所能做的(非常好用)。 I just need to replace my default latitude value of "12.3456" and longitude value of "78.9012" withe the ACTUAL values generated by CLLocationManager. 我只需要用CLLocationManager生成的ACTUAL值替换默认的纬度值“ 12.3456”和经度值“ 78.9012”。 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!

//Code that generates the Latitude and Longitude strings
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
    didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation
           fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation

    //Breaks down the location into degrees, minutes, and seconds.

    int degrees = newLocation.coordinate.latitude;
    double decimal = fabs(newLocation.coordinate.latitude - degrees);
    int minutes = decimal * 60;
    double seconds = decimal * 3600 - minutes * 60;
    NSString *lat = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d° %d' %1.4f\"",
                     degrees, minutes, seconds];    
    latitude.text = lat;
    degrees = newLocation.coordinate.longitude;
    decimal = fabs(newLocation.coordinate.longitude - degrees);
    minutes = decimal * 60;
    seconds = decimal * 3600 - minutes * 60;
    NSString *longt = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d° %d' %1.4f\"",
                       degrees, minutes, seconds];
    longitude.text = longt;


//Code that prepares the email for sending
    MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
    picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;

    [picker setSubject:@"New Location Report!"];

    // Set up recipients
    NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"pghapps2009@gmail.com"]; 

    [picker setToRecipients:toRecipients];

    // Fill out the email body text 
    NSString *message = @"user reported their location at:";
    NSString *msgLat = @"12.3456";
    NSString *msgLong = @"78.9012";

    NSString *emailBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\nLatitude = %@\nLongitude = %@", message, msgLat, msgLong];

    [picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];

    [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
    [picker release];
//    NSString *msgLat = self->latitude.text; do not do this
//    NSString *msgLong = self->longitude.text; or this
NSString *msgLat = latitude.text;
NSString *msgLong = longitude.text;

No global variables needed (assume both methods belong to the same class). 不需要全局变量(假设两个方法都属于同一类)。

You don't need global variables for this. 为此,您不需要全局变量。 Just create instance variables (ivars) in the controller class, and stash the lat/long in them. 只需在控制器类中创建实例变量(ivars),然后将经度/纬度存储在其中。 Then, in your displayComposerSheet method, use the values you computed previously. 然后,在displayComposerSheet方法中,使用先前计算的值。

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