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[英]What is the best way to get unique elements of an array of activerecord objects based on attributes of the object?

In my application I am trying to display only unique elements of an array of activerecord objects(loss_reports) based on two attributes of a loss_report. 在我的应用程序中,我试图基于loss_report的两个属性仅显示activerecord对象(loss_reports)数组的唯一元素。

Schema 架构图

class Agent < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :loss_reports, :through => policy  

class LossReport < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :agent  

I first tried to override the eql? 我首先尝试覆盖eql? and hash method of a LossReport so that I could do something similar to: 和LossReport的哈希方法,以便我可以执行以下操作:

Option 1: 选项1:

class LossReport ...
  def eql? other
    self.policy_id == other.policy_id && loss_occurred_on.hash == self.loss_occurred_on  

  def hash 
    policy_id + loss_occurred_on.hash

class Agent ...
  def unique_losses

but quickly removed the code because of ActiveRecord already overriding the methods and my not being sure of the repercussions. 但由于ActiveRecord已经覆盖了方法,并且我不确定其影响,因此很快删除了代码。

Option 2: 选项2:

class Agent ...
  def unique_losses
    loss_reports.sort{|l1,l2| l2.created_at <=> l1.created_at}.group_by{|l| (l.policy_id + l.loss_occurred_on.hash)}.collect{|hl| hl[-1].first}

Option 3: 选项3:

 class Agent
   def unique_losses
     hsh_array = []
     unique = []
     loss_reports.sort{|l1,l2| l2.created_at <=> l1.created_at}.each do |l|
       unique << l unless hsh_array.include?(l.hsh)
       hsh_array << l.hsh

Benchmark results: 基准结果:

Benchmark.bmbm do |bm|
  bm.report("option 2") do
    losses.sort{|l1,l2| l2.created_at <=> l1.created_at}.group_by{|l| (l.policy_id +  l.loss_occurred_on.hash)}.collect{|hl| hl[-1].first}
  bm.report("option 3") do
    hsh_array,unique = [],[]
    losses.sort{|l1,l2| l2.created_at <=> l1.created_at}.each do |l|
      unique << l unless hsh_array.include?(l.policy_id+l.loss_occurred_on.hash)
      hsh_array << l.policy_id + l.loss_occurred_on.hash
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------
option 2   0.400000   0.000000   0.400000 (  0.407615)
option 3   0.250000   0.000000   0.250000 (  0.254399)
----------------------------------- total: 0.650000sec

               user     system      total        real
option 2   0.400000   0.000000   0.400000 (  0.403535)
option 3   0.250000   0.000000   0.250000 (  0.262578)

Neither way feels right but both work. 两种方法都不对,但两种方法都可行。 Which is the best option or is there an even better way? 哪个是最佳选择,还是有更好的方法?

I have no idea about benchmarks, but it seems like inject would be the simplest way: 我对基准测试一无所知,但inject似乎是最简单的方法:

loss_reports.inject([]) do |arr, report|
  arr << report unless arr.detect{|r| ... } 

Or maybe even better would be to define a named_scope with a custom SQL group by... 甚至更好的办法是通过以下方式定义一个具有自定义SQL组的named_scope:

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