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[英]Using Vaadin widgets in a GWT application

Is it possible to use widgets from the Vaadin-framework from within a GWT application? 是否可以在GWT应用程序中使用Vaadin框架中的小部件?

I know it works the other way round, which is also documented in the Vaadin docs. 我知道它可以反过来运作,这也在Vaadin文档中有记录。 But I didn't find a descrption for integrating Vaadin widgets in an ordinary GWT application. 但我没有找到将Vaadin小部件集成到普通GWT应用程序中的描述。

Unfortunately no, at least not out-of-the-box. 不幸的是,至少没有开箱即用。 Vaadin uses a server-side architecture, which means that all the widgets' states are stored on the server and not in the browser's memory, hence making the widgets dependent on the server-side. Vaadin使用服务器端架构,这意味着所有小部件的状态都存储在服务器上,而不是存储在浏览器的内存中,从而使小部件依赖于服务器端。 The communication between a widget's client-side and server-side is implemented deep in the core of Vaadin, so I think it would require quite a lot of work to get the widgets to work in a pure GWT environment. 小部件的客户端和服务器端之间的通信是在Vaadin的核心深层实现的,所以我认为要使小部件在纯GWT环境中工作需要相当多的工作。

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