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[英]How can I determine if a python script is executed from crontab?

I would like to know how can I determine if a python script is executed from crontab? 我想知道如何确定是否从crontab执行python脚本?

I don't want a solution that will require adding a parameter because I want to be able to detect this even from an imported module (not the main script). 我不想要一个需要添加参数的解决方案,因为我希望能够从导入的模块(而不是主脚本)中检测到这一点。

Not quite what you asked, but maybe what you want is os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) , which tells if stdout is connected to (roughly speaking) a terminal. 不是你问的,但也许你想要的是os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) ,它告诉stdout是否连接到(粗略地说)一个终端。 It will be false if you pipe the output to a file or another process, or if the process is run from cron. 如果将输出通过管道传输到文件或其他进程,或者从cron运行进程,则为false。

Check its PPID - the ID of its parent process. 检查其PPID - 其父进程的ID。 Compare that to the cron pid; 将其与cron pid进行比较; If they are the same, it was invoked by the crontab. 如果它们相同,则由crontab调用。

This can be done by: 这可以通过以下方式完成:

$ sudo ps -Af | grep cron | grep -v grep
root  6363  1  0 10:17 ?  00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron

The PID of the cron process in this example is 6363. It is worth mentioning that the PPID of cron is 1 - the init process . 此示例中的cron进程的PID为6363.值得一提的是,cron的PPID为1 - init进程

Now find out what is the PID of your python program: 现在找出你的python程序的PID是什么:

$  sudo ps -Af | grep SorinSbarnea.py
adam  12992  6363  1 12:24 pts/2  00:04:21 /usr/bin/python SorinSbarnea.py

Its PID is 12992 and PPID is 6363, so it was indeed invoked by the cron process. 它的PID是12992,PPID是6363,所以它确实是由cron进程调用的。

EDIT: 编辑:

The cron process might not invoke your process directly. cron进程可能不会直接调用您的进程。 Hence, you'll have to traverse the PPIDs from your process upwards, till reaching PPID=1 or PPID= /usr/sbin/cron 's PID. 因此,您必须向上遍历过程中的PPID,直到达到PPID = 1或PPID = /usr/sbin/cron的PID。 This can easily be done using a small shell or python script; 这可以使用小shell或python脚本轻松完成; just parse the output of ps : 只解析ps的输出:

$ cat /proc/12992/status
Pid:    12992
PPid:   7238
Uid:    1000    1000    1000    1000
Gid:    1000    1000    1000    1000

The next step would be checkig /proc/7238, and so forth. 下一步是checkig / proc / 7238,依此类推。 Again, This is really easy to implement using shell or python script. 同样,使用shell或python脚本实现这很容易。

Thanks, @digitalarbeiter and @Noufal Ibrahim for pointing it out in your comments. 谢谢@digitalarbeiter和@Noufal Ibrahim在你的评论中指出它。

Set an environment variable at the cron command invocation. cron命令调用中设置环境变量。 That works even within a module, as you can just check os.getenv() . 这甚至可以在一个模块中工作,因为你可以检查os.getenv()


If you want to detect this from an imported module, I would have the main program set a global variable in the module, which would output different things depending on the value of this global variable (and have the main program decide how to set the variable through a flag that you would use in your crontab). 如果你想从导入的模块中检测到这个,我会让主程序在模块中设置一个全局变量,根据这个全局变量的值输出不同的东西(并让主程序决定如何设置变量通过你将在你的crontab中使用的标志)。 This is quite robust (comparing to studying PPIDs). 这非常强大(与研究PPID相比)。

The following shows how to detect whether the program has a terminal and whether it has a display. 以下显示如何检测程序是否具有终端以及是否具有显示。 As a cron job, both will be returned as None. 作为一个cron作业,两者都将作为None返回。


import os

term = os.getenv( "TERM" )
print( "term %s"%term )

display = os.getenv( "DISPLAY" )
print( "display %s"%display )

The output when run from a desktop terminal session will be similar to the following: 从桌面终端会话运行时的输出将类似于以下内容:

term xterm-256color
display :0

And when it is run as a cron job, the output will be: 当它作为cron作业运行时,输出将是:

term None
display None

You can test for the presence of either of these, like this 您可以测试其中任何一个的存在,如下所示

if term is None:
    print( "no terminal" )

if display is None:
    print( "no display" )

For one further example, the following selects an appropriate matplotlib backend when run from a cron job: 再举一个例子,当从cron作业运行时,以下选择适当的matplotlib后端:

if os.getenv( "DISPLAY" ) is None:
    print( "Using Agg" )
    import matplotlib

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