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[英]Setting Grizzly's keystore to use a jks in a jar

I'm trying to use com.sun.grizzly.SSLConfig.setKeyStoreFile() to set SSL for Grizzly. 我正在尝试使用com.sun.grizzly.SSLConfig.setKeyStoreFile()为Grizzly设置SSL。 It only takes a String as input (not InputStream or File). 它仅将String作为输入(而不是InputStream或File)。 I want to use a jks file that is within a JAR file. 我想使用JAR文件中的jks文件。 If I pass a string for a jar path (eg C:\\dir\\my.jar!\\resources\\my.jks), it fails. 如果我为jar路径传递字符串(例如C:\\ dir \\ my.jar!\\ resources \\ my.jks),它将失败。 Other than just unzipping the file from the JAR, how can I use that JKS for grizzly. 除了只是从JAR解压缩文件外,我如何才能使用该JKS进行灰熊操作。

It doesn't appear you can pass in anything other than a filename. 除文件名外,您似乎无法传入任何其他内容。 If you view the source and look at the validateConfiguration() and createSSLContext() methods, you'll see that it is passing the keyStoreFile variable directly into the FileInputStream constructor. 如果查看源代码并查看validateConfiguration()createSSLContext()方法,您会看到它正在将keyStoreFile变量直接传递到FileInputStream构造函数中。

Short term, you're probably stuck with unzipping and using the direct file name. 短期来看,您可能会陷入解压缩和使用直接文件名的困境。 Or you could override the two methods listed above to properly validate and initialize the SSLContext. 或者,您可以重写上面列出的两个方法以正确地验证和初始化SSLContext。 Long term, I'd submit a patch. 长期来看,我会提交一个补丁。

@Kevin's idea worked! @Kevin的想法成功了! Using grizzly-servlet-webserver 1.9.8, here's my code: 使用grizzly-servlet-webserver 1.9.8,这是我的代码:

SSLConfig ssl = new SSLConfig(){
 public SSLContext createSSLContext() { 
   //Load the keystore.
   KeyStore keyStore=KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
   InputStream keyStream=ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("my.jks");
   //InputStream keyStream=new java.net.URL("jar:file:/C:/dir/my.jar!/my.jks").openStream();

   //Create the factory from the keystore.
   String kmfAlgorithm=System.getProperty("ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm",KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
   KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory=KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(kmfAlgorithm);

   //Create the SSLContext
   SSLContext sslContext=SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
   sslContext.init(keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
   return sslContext;

  //Wrap all Exceptions in a RuntimeException.
  catch(Exception e){
   throw new RuntimeException(e);

I took a few shortcuts (not logging Exceptions, using several string constants, etc), but you can get the idea. 我采取了一些捷径(不记录异常,不使用几个字符串常量,等等),但是您可以理解。

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