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[英]Alternative way of implementing a groupBy method in Scala?

I've come up with this implementation of groupBy : 我想出了groupBy这个实现:

object Whatever
    def groupBy[T](in:Seq[T],p:T=>Boolean) : Map[Boolean,List[T]] = {
        var result = Map[Boolean,List[T]]()
        in.foreach(i => {
            val res = p(i)
            var existing = List[T]() // how else could I declare the reference here? If I write var existing = null I get a compile-time error.
                existing = result(res)
            else {
                existing = List[T]()
            existing ::= i
            result += res -> existing
        return result   

but it doesn't seem very Scalish ( is that the word I'm looking for? ) to me. 但对我来说,它似乎并不是非常Scalish(我正在寻找的那个词吗?)。 Could you maybe suggest some improvements? 你能否提出一些改进建议?

EDIT: after I received the "hint" about folding, I've implemented it this way: 编辑:在我收到关于折叠的“提示”后,我已经这样实现了:

def groupFold[T](in:Seq[T],p:T=>Boolean):Map[Boolean,List[T]] = {
        in.foldLeft(Map[Boolean,List[T]]()) ( (m,e) => {
           val res = p(e)
           m(res) = e :: m.getOrElse(res,Nil)

What do you think? 你怎么看?

If you want to group by a predicate (ie, a function of T => Boolean ), then you probably just want to do this: 如果你想按谓词分组(即T => Boolean的函数),那么你可能只想这样做:

in partition p

If you truly want to create a map out of it, then: 如果你真的想从中创建一个地图,那么:

val (t, f) = in partition p
Map(true -> t, false -> f)

Then again, you may just want the exercise. 然后,你可能只想要练习。 In that case, the fold solution is fine. 在这种情况下,折叠解决方案很好。

Here's an example using foldLeft . 这是使用foldLeft的示例。

scala> def group[T, U](in: Iterable[T], f: T => U) = {
     |   in.foldLeft(Map.empty[U, List[T]]) {
     |     (map, t) =>
     |       val groupByVal = f(t)
     |       map.updated(groupByVal, t :: map.getOrElse(groupByVal, List.empty))
     |   }.mapValues(_.reverse)
     | }
group: [T,U](in: Iterable[T],f: (T) => U)java.lang.Object with scala.collection.DefaultMap[U,List[T]]

scala> val ls = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
ls: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> println(group(ls, (_: Int) % 2))
Map(1 -> List(1, 3, 5), 0 -> List(2, 4))

Scala 2.8 offers this in the standard library: Scala 2.8在标准库中提供:

scala> println(ls.groupBy((_: Int) % 2)) // Built into Scala 2.8.
Map(1 -> List(1, 3, 5), 0 -> List(2, 4))

I'd just filter twice. 我只是过滤两次。

object Whatever {
  def groupBy[T](in: Seq[T], p: T => Boolean) : Map[Boolean,List[T]] = {
    Map( false -> in.filter(!p(_)).toList , true -> in.filter(p(_)).toList )


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