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[英]Is JDEE worth using?

I see many nice feature of JDEE in Emacs . 在Emacs中看到了JDEE的许多不错的功能。 However installation seems to be a bit involved , especially in Windows so I want to see if others found it useful. 然而,安装似乎有点涉及 ,特别是在Windows中,所以我想看看其他人是否认为它有用。 I use Eclipse and NetBeans and there are some decent features to these products. 我使用Eclipse和NetBeans,这些产品有一些不错的功能。 However, I really like the idea of a scripted language like Lisp built into my IDE so I can change most features on-the-fly. 但是,我非常喜欢在我的IDE中内置一个像Lisp这样的脚本语言的想法,因此我可以即时更改大多数功能。

So I want to give JDEE a shot, but I've heard from more than one advanced Emacs user that they don't even need JDEE. 所以我想给JDEE一个机会,但我从一个以上的高级Emacs用户那里听说他们甚至不需要JDEE。 I wonder if those people even tried JDEE or if they are just doing simple Java projects. 我想知道这些人是否尝试过JDEE,或者他们是否只是在做简单的Java项目。 Has anyone tried JDEE and liked it? 有人试过JDEE并喜欢它吗? Are there features in Emacs that make JDEE fairly pointless? Emacs中是否有使JDEE毫无意义的功能? Please no "try Eclipse" comments..I have used it and it has nice features, but I want to give Emacs a fair shot. 请不要“尝试Eclipse”评论..我已经使用它并且它具有很好的功能,但我想给Emacs一个公平的镜头。

UPDATE: See my accepted answer. 更新:看到我接受的答案。 I tried JDEE for a while but gave it up for eclipse and have never looked back. 我尝试了JDEE一段时间但是放弃了eclipse并且从未回头。 Happily ever after. 从此以后快乐地生活着。

I was working on a small (as in one-person) project a few years ago where I decided to give the JDEE a try (I was given a great deal of latitude in getting the project done, so my employer didn't care about which tools were used at the time). 几年前,我正在做一个小型(如一人)项目,我决定尝试JDEE(我在完成项目方面获得了很大的自由度,所以我的雇主并不关心当时使用了哪些工具)。 The standard tool at the time was Eclipse, and I was curious to see if I could be more productive with JDEE over the standard crop of Java IDEs, and given that I had previously used Emacs and like the productivity that it provides in general (not having to take my hands off the keyboard is a big plus in my view). 当时的标准工具是Eclipse,我很想知道我是否可以使用JDEE比标准的Java IDE更高效,并且考虑到我以前使用过Emacs并且喜欢它提供的一般生产力(不是在我看来,不得不把手从键盘上移开是一个很大的优点。

I definitely agree that JDEE is more involved getting set up: I spent a good amount of time just getting settings situated to my liking (and never got them completely where I wanted), but in the end it seemed worth it to me as I felt immensely more productive over using Eclipse -- mainly because I didn't find myself clicking all over the damn screen like I typically do in just about any standard Java IDE that's used these days. 我绝对同意JDEE更多参与设置:我花了很多时间来设置我喜欢的设置(并且从未完全按照我想要的那样),但最后我认为这对我来说是值得的使用Eclipse的效率要高得多 - 主要是因为我没有发现自己点击了该死的屏幕,就像我通常在几乎所有使用过的标准Java IDE中所做的那样。

Managing and organizing my project's resources (code, and other artifacts that needed to be deployed) also seemed to work much better when I was using JDEE over an IDE, as I was only dependent on having an Ant build script that could build, deploy, test, etc., and didn't have to worry about organizing my code around a particular IDE's preferences. 当我在IDE上使用JDEE时,管理和组织我的项目资源(代码和需要部署的其他工件)似乎也工作得更好,因为我只依赖于可以构建,部署的Ant构建脚本,测试等,并且不必担心围绕特定IDE的首选项组织我的代码。 Granted, most modern IDEs aren't terrible in this regard, but it just felt good that my project was not dependent on an IDE at all in order to build, test or deploy -- anyone could just grab the code from the repository and run it as long as Ant was available. 当然,大多数现代IDE在这方面都不是很糟糕,但是为了构建,测试或部署,我的项目根本不依赖于IDE,这感觉很好 - 任何人都可以从存储库中获取代码并运行只要Ant可用就可以了。 Working with the JDEE seems to push you toward this kind of mindset and I personally prefer it. 与JDEE合作似乎会促使你走向这种心态,我个人更喜欢它。

I won't say that using JDEE is necessarily better or worse than a standard IDE. 我不会说使用JDEE必然比标准IDE更好或更差。 If anything the productivity you get depends on how much effort your willing to put in to learning the tools (which goes for just about any IDE), but it did fit my style of software development better than Eclipse. 如果有的话,你获得的生产力取决于你愿意花多少精力学习工具(几乎适用于任何IDE),但它确实比Eclipse更适合我的软件开发风格。

The one big downside I could see toward relying on JDEE heavily is if you are a part of a team: Most development teams these days rely pretty heavily on the tools and features available in IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans (I'd go so far as to say they are a bit spoiled by them) and it's likely you'll encounter some friction if you're using something other than what the rest of the team is working with. 如果你是一个团队的一员,那么我可以看到的重要依赖JDEE的一大缺点是:如今大多数开发团队都非常依赖于Eclipse和NetBeans等IDE中提供的工具和功能(我会尽力而为说他们有点被他们宠坏了)如果你使用的不是团队其他成员正在使用的东西,你可能会遇到一些摩擦。

Of course...you can always try to convince them to switch :) 当然......你总是可以试着说服他们切换:)

I haven't done much java development recently, but back-in-the-day JDEE was great. 我最近没有做过很多java开发,但是当今的JDEE非常棒。 Much of the functionality may not specifically require JDEE (there's always more than one way to do things in emacs), but the general IDE support of compiling the project or file your looking at with a keystroke is easy & handling of compilation errors is good - jumping to each error with another keystroke. 许多功能可能并不特别需要JDEE(在emacs中总是有不止一种方法可以做),但是一般的IDE支持编译项目或使用击键查看文件很容易并且处理编译错误很好 - 用另一次击键跳到每个错误。 One other nice feature was integration of the help docs to launch in a new browser window. 另一个不错的功能是整合帮助文档以在新的浏览器窗口中启动。 Didn't play much with the code completion portions. 没有玩代码完成部分。 If nothing else I'd say JDEE smooths the edges when transitioning from something like netbeans or eclipse. 如果没有别的,我会说JDEE在从netbeans或eclipse等过渡时会平滑边缘。

As far as being too difficult to install on windows... not really. 至于在Windows上安装太难......不是真的。 Just need to grab a few different packages & toy with your .emacs a bit (--debug-init) & maybe config some settings per project (prj.el file). 只需要使用.emacs(--debug-init)获取几个不同的包和玩具,并为每个项目配置一些设置(prj.el文件)。 You can always spend a bit more time tweeking things... but basic functionality shouldn't take too much time. 你总是可以花更多的时间来发布内容......但是基本的功能不应该占用太多时间。

As long as you're on windows don't forget to have a look at EmacsW32 . 只要你在Windows上,别忘了看看EmacsW32 The patched version there provides nice integration & lets you keep emacs 'always running' in server mode which offsets the startup cost. 修补后的版本提供了良好的集成,让您可以在服务器模式下保持emacs“始终运行”,从而抵消启动成本。

Nine or ten years ago I used JDEE when working on a web application that involved EJB. 九年或十年前,我在使用涉及EJB的Web应用程序时使用了JDEE。 JDEE templates alone saved me hours of time I would have spent typing the same code again and again. 单独使用JDEE模板就可以节省我一次又一次地输入相同代码的时间。

But when I checked last time (a couple of years ago), I had an impression that JDEE was abandoned and did not support numerous new features in Java. 但是当我上次检查(几年前)时,我的印象是JDEE被放弃了,并且不支持Java中的许多新功能。 I see that 2.4.0 was released this year, and it might be a good sign. 我看到2.4.0今年发布了,这可能是一个好兆头。 Having checked the release notes, I'm not sure about the current version, but the next one may be worth downloading. 检查了发行说明后,我不确定当前版本,但下一个可能值得下载。

A year an a half later, I can honestly say that it was not worth the effort. 一年半之后,我可以诚实地说,这不值得努力。 I know emacs fairly well and was hoping that I could get more efficient. 我非常了解emacs,并希望我能提高效率。 However the level of growth and support for the modern IDE's make using them the best choice. 然而,现代IDE的增长和支持水平使得使用它们成为最佳选择。 Eclipse was a bit unstable when I first wrote the above post, but so was JDEE but now Eclipse is better and JDEE is still a bit stagnant. 当我第一次写上面文章时,Eclipse有点不稳定,但JDEE也是如此,但现在Eclipse更好,而且JDEE仍然有点停滞不前。

Anyway, Emacs is a great tool and has great features, but it has recently fallen out of the radar for most developers. 无论如何,Emacs是一个很棒的工具,具有很好的功能,但它最近已经脱离了大多数开发人员的视线。 Eclipse is updated all the time and does exactly what I need. Eclipse一直在更新,完全符合我的需要。 Advice to those considering JDEE: invest your precious time learning Eclipse and you will get much more efficiency. 给那些考虑JDEE的人提供建议:投入宝贵的时间学习Eclipse,你将获得更高的效率。 Emacs fans, go ahead and flame me but I was just like you and now I have more time and better code and I want others to have the same result. Emacs的粉丝,继续前进并激怒我,但我就像你一样,现在我有更多的时间和更好的代码,我希望其他人也有相同的结果。

I used jdee for many years up to a few years ago when I switched to netbeans to be consistent with the development team at a new company. 几年前,当我转向netbeans以与新公司的开发团队保持一致时,我使用了jdee多年。 My experience was that it was not particularly hard to set up and it provided many nice features that are found in modern IDEs that you wouldn't have in vanilla emacs: build support, go-to-definition, etc. I still use emacs to make quick edits now and then where jdee is not installed, and I definitely feel its lack. 我的经验是,设置起来并不是特别困难,它提供了很多很好的功能,这些功能可以在现代IDE中找到,而这些功能在vanilla emacs中是没有的:构建支持,定义等等。我仍然使用emacs来快速编辑,然后在没有安装jdee的地方,我肯定觉得它缺乏。 I would never do any reasonable amount of java development in emacs without jdee. 如果没有jdee,我永远不会在emacs中进行任何合理数量的java开发。 You don't need jdee, but it's hard to deny the benefits. 不需要 jdee,但很难否认这些好处。

I'll point out, though, that I would never go back to jdee having used netbeans-- the productivity benefits are just too great. 不过,我会指出,我永远不会回到使用netbeans的jdee--生产力的好处太大了。 For example, I never got integrated debugging to work satisfactorily in jdee. 例如,我从来没有集成调试在jdee中令人满意地工作。 (That could be improved now, of course.) Please note that this is coming from a guy who has used and loved emacs for twenty years and I still always have one or more open. (当然,现在可以改进了。)请注意,这是来自一个已经使用和喜爱emacs二十年的人,我仍然总是有一个或多个开放。 My greatest complaint about netbeans is that its text editing capabilities (even with emacs keybindings) are far inferior to emacs in a number of ways. 我对netbeans的最大抱怨是它的文本编辑功能(即使使用emacs键绑定)在很多方面远远不如emacs。

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