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[英]Test data sources in Android unit testing

I want to test parsing of data returned from server. 我想测试从服务器返回的数据的解析。

I thought I might create several test XML files and then feed them to the sax parser which uses my custom data handler (as in the application that I test). 我想我可能会创建几个测试XML文件,然后将它们提供给使用我的自定义数据处理程序的sax解析器(就像我测试的应用程序一样)。

But where should I put those test XMLs? 但是我应该在哪里放置那些测试XML?

I tried with [project_root]/res/xml , but then I get the error: 我尝试了[project_root]/res/xml ,但后来我收到错误:

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f040000 type #0x1c is not valid at android.content.res.Resources.loadXmlResourceParser(Resources.java:1870) at android.content.res.Resources.getXml(Resources.java:779)

Does that mean that the xml is invalid, or that android couldn't find the XML file? 这是否意味着xml无效,或者android无法找到XML文件? (I use the same XML that comes from the server - copied it from the firebug's net panel and pasted into the file). (我使用来自服务器的相同XML - 从firebug的网络面板复制并粘贴到文件中)。

Can I somehow read that XML as a text file, since getContext().getResources().getXml(R.xml.test_response1) returns XmlResourceParser instead of String (which I'd prefer)? 我可以以某种方式将XML作为文本文件读取,因为getContext().getResources().getXml(R.xml.test_response1)返回XmlResourceParser而不是String (我更喜欢)?

Put you xmls in MyAppTest/assets , for example MyAppTest/assets/my.xml , and then read it using 将xmls放在MyAppTest/assets ,例如MyAppTest/assets/my.xml ,然后使用它读取它

InputStream myxml = getInstrumentation().getContext().getAssets().open("my.xml");

then you can invoke the parser with this stream. 然后你可以用这个流调用解析器。

Simply put the file in your current package (ie into a resource package) and use the class loader... 只需将文件放在当前包中(即放入资源包中)并使用类加载器...

private InputStream getTestImage(String pathToFile) throws IOException
            final ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();
            final InputStream resourceAsStream = loader.getResourceAsStream(pathToFile);
            return resourceAsStream;

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