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[英]Close iframe cross domain

I am trying to do something similar to the Clipper application here http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/clipper 我想在这里做一些类似于Clipper应用程序的东西http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/clipper

I can make the iframe appear in another website (cross domain). 我可以让iframe出现在另一个网站(跨域)中。 But I cannot make the "close" button to work. 但我无法使“关闭”按钮起作用。

This is what I used but it doesn't work for cross domain (basically remove the iframe element) 这是我使用的,但它不适用于跨域(基本上删除iframe元素)


Can you help? 你能帮我吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

You should use a library that abstracts this (eg http://easyxdm.net/wp/ , not tested). 你应该使用一个抽象的库(例如http://easyxdm.net/wp/ ,未经过测试)。 Fragment ID messaging may not work in all browsers, and there are better approaches, such as postMessage . 片段ID消息传递可能无法在所有浏览器中使用,并且有更好的方法,例如postMessage

However, your example (Clipper) is using a hack called fragment id messaging . 但是,您的示例(Clipper)正在使用称为片段ID消息传递的黑客。 This can be cross-browser, provided the page containing your iframe is the top level. 这可以是跨浏览器,前提是包含iframe的页面是顶级。 In other words, there are a total of two levels. 换句话说,总共有两个级别。 Basically, the child sets the fragment of the parent, and the parent watches for this. 基本上,子项设置父项的片段,父项监视它。

This is a similar approach to Clipper's: 这是与Clipper类似的方法:

parent.html parent.html

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkForClose()
    if(window.location.hash == "#close_child")
      var someIframe = document.getElementById("someId");
      setTimeout(checkForClose, 1000)
setTimeout(checkForClose, 1000);
<iframe name="someId" id="someId" src="child.html" height="800" width="600">foo</iframe>

child.html: child.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function(){window.parent.location.hash = "close_child";}, 5000);
<body style="background-color: blue"></body>

EDIT2: Cross-domain and independently controlled are different. EDIT2:跨域和独立控制是不同的。 I dug into the (heavily minified/obfuscated) Polyvore code to see how it works (incidentally, it doesn't in Firefox). 我挖掘了(严重缩小/混淆)Polyvore代码以查看它是如何工作的(顺便说一下,它不在Firefox中)。 First remember that bookmarklets, such as the Clipper, live in the context of the page open when they start. 首先请记住,诸如Clipper之类的bookmarklet在它们启动时会在页面的上下文中生效。 In this case, the bookmarklet loads a script , which in turn runs an init function which generates an iframe , but also runs: 在这种情况下,bookmarklet加载一个脚本 ,该脚本又运行一个生成iframe的init函数,但也运行:

Event.addListener(Event.XFRAME, "done", cancel);

If you digg into addListener, you'll find ( beautified ): 如果你深入了解addListener,你会发现( 美化 ):

if (_1ce2 == Event.XFRAME) {
                        if (!_1cb3) {
                            _1cb3 = new Monitor(function () {
                                return window.location.hash;
                            Event.addListener(_1cb3, "change", onHashChange);

cancel includes: 取消包括:


Now, the only remaining piece is that the iframe page loads another script with a ClipperForm.init function that includes: 现在,唯一剩下的部分是iframe页面加载另一个带有ClipperForm.init函数的脚本 ,该函数包括:

Event.addListener($("close"), "click", function () {
            Event.postMessage(window.parent, _228d, "done");

So we see clearly they are using fragment ID messaging. 所以我们清楚地看到他们正在使用片段ID消息。


There is another implementation of the old hash hack. 还有另一个旧哈希黑客的实现。 It's backwards compatible, easy javascript-only, and very easy to implement: 它向后兼容,简单的javascript,并且非常容易实现:

http://www.onlineaspect.com/2010/01/15/backwards-compatible-postmessage/ http://www.onlineaspect.com/2010/01/15/backwards-compatible-postmessage/

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