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[英]Binding a BindingList to a collection

I have a library that returns a collection like this: 我有一个图书馆,它返回这样的集合:

public IEnumerable Alerts { .. } IEnumerable公共警报{..}

and I want to turn this collection into a BindingList for use in the GUI. 我想将此集合转换为BindingList以在GUI中使用。 What is the best way to keep a BindingList synchronised with an IEnumerable collection? 使BindingList与IEnumerable集合保持同步的最佳方法是什么?

edit: For this problem, assume I have no control of the library and the actual implementation uses a List. 编辑:对于此问题,假定我无法控制该库,并且实际实现使用List。
But I do not want to touch this code. 但是我不想碰这段代码。

This library also has a nice interface with AddAlert, RemoveAlert etc. What is the best way to keep the GUI synchronised with all these changes? 该库还具有与AddAlert,RemoveAlert等的良好接口。使GUI与所有这些更改保持同步的最佳方法是什么?

Assuming the class you are wrapping exposes things like Insert , you should just be able to derive from BindingList<T> , overriding a few key methods - something like: 假设您要包装的类公开了Insert ,那么您应该能够从BindingList<T>派生出来,并覆盖一些关键方法,例如:

class MyList<T> : BindingList<T>
    private readonly Foo<T> wrapped;
    public MyList(Foo<T> wrapped)
        : base(new List<T>(wrapped.Items))
        this.wrapped = wrapped;
    protected override void InsertItem(int index, T item)
        wrapped.Insert(index, item);
        base.InsertItem(index, item);            
    protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
    protected override void ClearItems()
    // possibly also SetItem

This should result in the lists staying in sync as you manipulate them. 这将导致列表在您操作它们时保持同步。

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