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[英]Styling an anchor tag to look like a submit button

I have a form where there's a "Submit" button and a "Cancel" anchor. 我有一个表单,其中有一个“提交”按钮和一个“取消”锚点。 The HTML is this: HTML是这样的:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<a href="some_url">Cancel</a>

I'd like for the two to look and act the same. 我希望两个人看起来和行为一样。 Nothing fancy, just something similar to how the "Ask Question" anchor looks on StackOverflow. 没什么好看的,只是类似于“Ask Question”锚点在StackOverflow上看起来的样子。

I can get the two to look somewhat similar, with the bounding box, background color, and hover background color, but I can't quite get the height and vertical alignment to play nice with one another. 我可以让两个看起来有点相似,包括边框,背景颜色和悬停背景颜色,但我不能完全达到高度和垂直对齐方式。 I'd post my CSS but it's such a mess at this point that I think it might be easier to just start from scratch, get a barebones CSS layout working, then move on from there. 我发布了我的CSS但是现在这样一团糟,我认为从头开始可能更容易,让准系统的CSS布局工作,然后从那里开始。

PS I know I could use an instead of an anchor and hook up the onClick event to do the redirect. PS我知道我可以使用an而不是锚点并挂钩onClick事件来进行重定向。 It's almost a matter of principle at this point now to get this right using an anchor (plus there are web spider considerations to take into consideration here). 现在,使用锚来解决这个问题几乎是一个原则问题(此外还要考虑网络蜘蛛的考虑因素)。

The best you can get with simple styles would be something like: 使用简单样式可以获得的最佳效果如下:

.likeabutton {
    text-decoration: none; font: menu;
    display: inline-block; padding: 2px 8px;
    background: ButtonFace; color: ButtonText;
    border-style: solid; border-width: 2px;
    border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
.likeabutton:active {
    border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;

(Possibly with some kind of fix to stop IE6-IE7 treating focused buttons as being 'active'.) (可能有某种修复方法可以阻止IE6-IE7将关注按钮视为“活动”。)

This won't necessarily look exactly like the buttons on the native desktop, though; 但这并不一定与原生桌面上的按钮完全相同; indeed, for many desktop themes it won't be possible to reproduce the look of a button in simple CSS. 实际上,对于许多桌面主题,不可能在简单的CSS中重现按钮的外观。

However, you can ask the browser to use native rendering, which is best of all: 但是,您可以要求浏览器使用本机渲染,这是最好的:

.likeabutton {
    appearance: button;
    -moz-appearance: button;
    -webkit-appearance: button;
    text-decoration: none; font: menu; color: ButtonText;
    display: inline-block; padding: 2px 8px;

Unfortunately, as you may have guessed from the browser-specific prefixes, this is a CSS3 feature that isn't suppoorted everywhere yet. 不幸的是,正如您可能已经从浏览器特定的前缀中猜到的那样,这是一个CSS3功能 ,但并未在任何地方支持。 In particular IE and Opera will ignore it. 特别是IE和Opera会忽略它。 But if you include the other styles as backup, the browsers that do support appearance drop that property, preferring the explicit backgrounds and borders! 但是,如果您将其他样式作为备份包含在内,那么支持appearance的浏览器会删除该属性,而更喜欢显式背景和边框!

What you might do is use the appearance styles as above by default, and do JavaScript fixups as necessary, eg.: 你可能会做的是默认使用上面的appearance样式,并根据需要进行JavaScript修正,例如:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var r= document.documentElement;
    if (!('appearance' in r || 'MozAppearance' in r || 'WebkitAppearance' in r)) {
        // add styles for background and border colours
        if (/* IE6 or IE7 */)
            // add mousedown, mouseup handlers to push the button in, if you can be bothered
            // add styles for 'active' button


<a href="url"><button>SomeText</button></a>

I Suggest you to use both Input Submit / Button instead of anchor and put this line of code onClick="javascript:location.href = 'http://stackoverflow.com';" 我建议你使用输入提交/按钮而不是锚点并将这行代码放在onClick="javascript:location.href = 'http://stackoverflow.com';" in that Input Submit / Button which you want to work as link. 在您要作为链接工作的输入提交/按钮中。

Submit Example 提交示例

<input type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="javascript:location.href = 'some_url';" />

Button Example 按钮示例

<button type="button" onClick="javascript:location.href = 'some_url';" />Submit</button>

Using a button tag instead of the input, resetting it and put a span inside, you'll then just have to style both the link and the span in the same way. 使用按钮标签而不是输入,重置它并在内部放置一个跨度,您只需要以相同的方式设置链接和跨度的样式。 It involve extra markup, but it worked for me. 它涉及额外的标记,但它对我有用。

the markup: 标记:

<button type="submit">

the css: css:

button[type="submit"] {
    display: inline;
    border: none;
    padding: 0;
    background: none;

Using CSS: 使用CSS:

.button {
    display: block;
    width: 115px;
    height: 25px;
    background: #4E9CAF;
    padding: 10px;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 5px;
    color: white;
    font-weight: bold;

<a href="some_url" class="button ">Cancel</a>

Links and inputs are very different things, used for very different purposes. 链接和输入是非常不同的东西,用于非常不同的目的。 Looks to me like you need a button for the cancel: 在我看来你需要一个取消按钮


Or maybe an input: 或者输入:

<input type="button" value="Cancel"/>


<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="location.href='url.html';return false;" />


<a href="#" class="button"> HOME </a>


.button { 
         background-color: #00CCFF;
         padding: 8px 16px;
         display: inline-block;
         text-decoration: none;
         color: #FFFFFF;
         border-radius: 3px;
.button:hover{ background-color: #0066FF;}

Watch the tutorial 观看教程

https://youtu.be/euti4HAJJfk https://youtu.be/euti4HAJJfk

Style your change the Submit button to an anchor tag instead and submit using javascript: 将您的更改提交按钮更改为锚标记,然后使用javascript提交:

<a class="link-button" href="javascript:submit();">Submit</a>
<a class="link-button" href="some_url">Cancel</a>

function submit() {
    var form = document.getElementById("form_id");


<a href="url"><input type="button" value="Cancel"></a>

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