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我如何使用Python列表执行此操作? (itemgetter?)

[英]How do I do this with Python list? (itemgetter?)

[{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]

I want to select whatever in the list that is "id". 我想在列表中选择“id”中的任何内容。 Basically, I want to print 44, since that's "id" in the list. 基本上,我想打印44,因为这是列表中的“id”。

That's a weird data structure... A list of one item dictionaries. 这是一个奇怪的数据结构......一个项目词典的列表。

key = 'id'
l = [{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]

print [ x[key] for x in l if key in x ][0]

Assuming you can rely on key being present precisely once... 假设您可以依靠关键存在一次......

Maybe you should just convert the list into a dictionary first: 也许您应该首先将列表转换为字典:

key = 'id'
l = [{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]

d = {}
for x in l:
print d[key]

All the other answers solve your problem, I am just suggesting an alternative way of going about doing this. 所有其他答案解决了你的问题,我只是建议另一种方法来做这件事。

Instead of having a list of dict s where you query on the key and have to iterate over all list items to get values, just use a dict of list s. 取代具有的listdict是你要重的关键查询和必须遍历所有list项得到的值,只需使用一个dictlist秒。 Each key would map to a list of values (or just one value if all your dict s had distinct sets of keys). 每个键都会映射到一个值list (如果你的所有dict都有不同的键集,则只有一个值)。

So, 所以,

data=[{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]


data={'id':[44], 'name':['alexa'], 'color':['blue']}

and you can neatly access the value for 'id' using data['id'] (or data['id'][0] if you only need one value). 如果你只需要一个值,你可以使用data['id'] (或data['id'][0]整齐地访问'id'值。

If all your keys are distinct across the dict s (as in your example) you don't even have to have list s of values. 如果您的所有键在dict都是不同的(如您的示例中所示),您甚至不必拥有值list

data={'id':44, 'name':'alexa', 'color':'blue'}

Not only does this make your code cleaner, it also speeds up your queries which no longer have to iterate over a list . 这不仅可以使您的代码更清晰,而且还可以加快您的查询速度,而这些查询不再需要遍历list

You could do something like this: 你可以这样做:

>>> KEY = 'id'
>>> my_list = [{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]
>>> my_ids = [x[KEY] for x in my_list if KEY in x]
>>> print my_ids

Which is obviously a list of the values you want. 这显然是您想要的值列表。 You can then print them as required. 然后,您可以根据需要打印它们。

Probably this is the best solution: 可能这是最好的解决方案:

>>> L = [{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]

>>> newd = {}
>>> for d in L:
...    newd.update(d)
>>> newd['id']
 >>> from itertools import dropwhile
 >>> def find_value(l, key):
 ...    return dropwhile(lambda x: key not in x, l).next()[key]
 >>> find_value([{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}], "id")

This will do a linear search, but only until the element is found. 这将进行线性搜索,但只能在找到元素之前进行。

If you want to have proper error handling, use: 如果要进行适当的错误处理,请使用:

def find_value(l, key):
        return dropwhile(lambda x: key not in x, l).next()[key]
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError(key)
>>> L = [{'id':44}, {'name':'alexa'},{'color':'blue'}]
>>> newd=dict(d.items()[0] for d in L)
>>> newd['id']

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