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[英]Mvc2 validation summary and required metadata

source code ... 源代码 ...

Thing is, if i specify required metadata using fluent modelmetadata provider like this=> 问题是,如果我使用像这样的流利的模型元数据提供程序指定所需的元数据,=>

public class Foo
        public string Bar { get; set; }

    public class FooModelMetadataConfiguration : ModelMetadataConfiguration<Foo>
        public FooModelMetadataConfiguration()
            Configure(x => x.Bar)
                .Required("lapsa") ;

And write this into my view => 并将其写入我的视图=>

<% Html.BeginForm(); %>
<%= Html.ValidationSummary() %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(x=>x.Bar) %>
<% Html.EndForm(); %>

And add this to home controller => 并将其添加到家庭控制器=>

 public ActionResult Index(Foo foo)
       ViewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

       return View(foo);

It will output this html => 它将输出此html =>

<div class="validation-summary-errors">
    <li>The Bar field is required.</li>

I can't understand why 2nd error is rendered and how to omit it. 我不明白为什么会出现第二个错误以及如何忽略它。

Author of System.Web.Mvc.Extensibility framework replied with => System.Web.Mvc.Extensibility框架的作者回复为=>

I think this is a known issue of asp.net mvc, i could not remember the exact location where I have read it, I suggest you post the issue in asp.net mvc issue tracker over codeplex. 我认为这是asp.net mvc的已知问题,我不记得我阅读过的确切位置,建议您通过Codeplex将问题发布在asp.net mvc问题跟踪器中。

But before i post anything on issue tracker - i would like to understand first what exactly is wrong. 但是,在我在问题跟踪器上发布任何内容之前,我想先了解一下到底是什么问题。

Any help with that? 有什么帮助吗?


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