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linq to sql - 循环遍历表数据和设置值

[英]linq to sql - loop through table data and set value

I have a table "Users".. it has a column "ShowData" 我有一个表“用户”..它有一个列“ShowData”

using linq-sql how can I loop through every user and set ShowData to false for each user.. 使用linq-sql我如何遍历每个用户并为每个用户将ShowData设置为false。

thanks 谢谢

Create a linq to sql classes designer file. 创建一个linq to sql类设计器文件。 Then drop the Users table on to the designer surface. 然后将Users表放到设计器表面上。

using (TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext)
  //pull all users into memory, not recommended for large tables.
  List<User> users = dc.Users.ToList();

  foreach(User theUser in users)
    theUser.ShowData = false;
  //send all these property changes back to the database.

And to guard myself against downvoting: 并防止自己反对downvoting:

using (TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
  dc.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE Users SET ShowData = 0");

Create a stored procedure 创建存储过程

update Users set ShowData = 0

Using your server explorer dropdown this procedure in your Dbml 在Dbml中使用服务器资源管理器下拉列表中的此过程

And in your function: 在你的功能:

using (CustomDataContext context= new CustomDataContext())

This example demonstrates how to do everything using Linq. 此示例演示如何使用Linq完成所有操作。

using (MyDataContext dataContext = new MyDataContext(connectionString))
   dataContext.Users.ToList().ForEach(user => user.ShowData = false);

   // commit changes made to entities (generates UPDATE statements for you)

What's happening is: 发生的事情是:

// IQueryable<User> (query setup)
// from IEnumerable<User> to List<User> (pull from Sql Server into memory)
// via enumerating list of User entities (now in memory)
   // define entity in this iteration
   user =>
      // define operation on entity
      user.ShowData = false;

If this column is in a SQL Server table, just issue this SQL statement: 如果此列位于SQL Server表中,则只发出以下SQL语句:

update Users set ShowData = 0 // where ...

Don't even think about loading all users into memory, setting a single property and then saving them to the database. 甚至不要考虑将所有用户加载到内存中,设置单个属性然后将它们保存到数据库。

If this is an in-memory table, you don't actually need LINQ to SQL here at all. 如果这是一个内存表,那么你根本不需要LINQ to SQL。

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