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[英]Initializing singleton javascript objects using the new operator?

In javascript, what is the difference between: 在javascript中,有什么区别:

var singleton = function(){ ... }


var singleton = new function(){ ... }


Declaring priviliged functions as described by crockford ( http://www.crockford.com/javascript/private.html ) only works using the latter. 如crockford( http://www.crockford.com/javascript/private.html )所述,声明特权函数只能使用后者。

The difference is mainly that in your second example, you are using the Function Expression as a Constructor , the new operator will cause the function to be automatically executed, and the this value inside that function will refer to a newly created object. 区别主要在于,在第二个示例中,您将函数表达式用作构造函数new运算符将使函数自动执行,并且函数内部的this值将引用新创建的对象。

If you don't return anything (or you don't return a non-primitive value) from that function, the this value will be returned and assigned to your singleton variable. 如果您不从该函数返回任何内容(或不返回非原始值),则this值将被返回并分配给您的singleton变量。

Privileged methods can also be used in your second example, a common pattern is use an immediately invoked function expression , creating a closure where the private members are accessible, then you can return an object that contains your public API , eg: 特权方法也可以在第二个示例中使用,常见的模式是使用立即调用的函数表达式 ,创建一个可以访问私有成员的闭包 ,然后您可以返回一个包含公共API的对象,例如:

var singleton = (function () {
  var privateVar = 1;

  function privateMethod () {/*...*/}

  return { // public API
    publicMethod: function () {
      // private members are available here

I think that a privileged function as described by crockford would look like this: 我认为crockford描述的特权函数如下所示:

function Test() {
     this.privileged = function() {
     function anonymous() {

t = new Test; // hello
t.privileged(); // apple

// unlike the anonymous function, the privileged function can be accessed and
// modified after its declaration

t.privileged = function() {

t.privileged(); // orange

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