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替代HttpUtility for .NET 3.5 SP1客户端框架?

[英]Alternative to HttpUtility for .NET 3.5 SP1 client framework?

It'd be really nice to target my Windows Forms app to the .NET 3.5 SP1 client framework. 将我的Windows窗体应用程序定位到.NET 3.5 SP1 客户端框架真的很不错。 But, right now I'm using the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode and HttpUtility.UrlDecode functions, and the MSDN documentation doesn't point to any alternatives inside of, say, System.Net or something. 但是,现在我正在使用HttpUtility.HtmlDecodeHttpUtility.UrlDecode函数,并且MSDN文档没有指出System.Net之类的任何替代品。

So, short from reflectoring the source code and copying it into my assembly---which I don't think would be worth it---are there alternatives inside of the .NET 3.5 SP1 client framework that you know of, to replace this functionality? 因此,不要反思源代码并将其复制到我的程序集中 - 我认为这不值得 - 你知道的.NET 3.5 SP1客户端框架内部有替代品吗?功能? It seems a bit strange that they'd restrict these useful functions to server-only code. 他们将这些有用的功能限制为仅服务器代码似乎有点奇怪。

Found today from this here little site that HtmlEncode/Decode can be done using System.Net library in C# 4.0 Client Profile: 今天从这里找到的小网站可以使用C#4.0客户端配置文件中的System.Net库来完成HtmlEncode / Decode:


Edit: I re-read that the question applied for the 3.5 Client Framework but maybe this can be useful those who have updated 4.0.. 编辑:我重新阅读了适用于3.5客户端框架的问题但是这可能对那些已经更新4.0的人有用。

I reverse engineered the Microsoft System.Net.WebUtility class from .NET 4.0 using Reflector (I think they'd be ok with it given the circumstances). 我使用Reflector从.NET 4.0反向设计了Microsoft System.Net.WebUtility类(我认为根据具体情况他们可以使用它)。 So you could either use .NET 4.0 Client Framework (which now has this new class) or use the code here. 所以你可以使用.NET 4.0 Client Framework(现在有这个新类)或在这里使用代码。

As long as you use a strong name on your assembly etc., you'll be safe enough. 只要你在装配等上使用强名称,你就足够安全了。 Here: 这里:

/// <summary>
///     Taken from System.Net in 4.0, useful until we move to .NET 4.0 - needed for Client Profile
/// </summary>
public static class WebUtility
    // Fields
    private static char[] _htmlEntityEndingChars = new char[] { ';', '&' };

    // Methods
    public static string HtmlDecode(string value)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return value;
        if (value.IndexOf('&') < 0)
            return value;
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        HtmlDecode(value, output);
        return output.ToString();

    public static void HtmlDecode(string value, TextWriter output)
        if (value != null)
            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
            if (value.IndexOf('&') < 0)
                int length = value.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    char ch = value[i];
                    if (ch == '&')
                        int num3 = value.IndexOfAny(_htmlEntityEndingChars, i + 1);
                        if ((num3 > 0) && (value[num3] == ';'))
                            string entity = value.Substring(i + 1, (num3 - i) - 1);
                            if ((entity.Length > 1) && (entity[0] == '#'))
                                ushort num4;
                                if ((entity[1] == 'x') || (entity[1] == 'X'))
                                    ushort.TryParse(entity.Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, (IFormatProvider)NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out num4);
                                    ushort.TryParse(entity.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Integer, (IFormatProvider)NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out num4);
                                if (num4 != 0)
                                    ch = (char)num4;
                                    i = num3;
                                i = num3;
                                char ch2 = HtmlEntities.Lookup(entity);
                                if (ch2 != '\0')
                                    ch = ch2;
                                    goto Label_0117;
                Label_0117: ;

    public static string HtmlEncode(string value)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return value;
        if (IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(value, 0) == -1)
            return value;
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        HtmlEncode(value, output);
        return output.ToString();

    public static unsafe void HtmlEncode(string value, TextWriter output)
        if (value != null)
            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
            int num = IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(value, 0);
            if (num == -1)
                int num2 = value.Length - num;
                fixed (char* str = value)
                    char* chPtr = str;
                    char* chPtr2 = chPtr;
                    while (num-- > 0)
                    while (num2-- > 0)
                        char ch = chPtr2[0];
                        if (ch <= '>')
                            switch (ch)
                                case '&':
                                case '\'':
                                case '"':
                                case '<':
                                case '>':
                        if ((ch >= '\x00a0') && (ch < 'Ā'))

    private static unsafe int IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(string s, int startPos)
        int num = s.Length - startPos;
        fixed (char* str = s)
            char* chPtr = str;
            char* chPtr2 = chPtr + startPos;
            while (num > 0)
                char ch = chPtr2[0];
                if (ch <= '>')
                    switch (ch)
                        case '&':
                        case '\'':
                        case '"':
                        case '<':
                        case '>':
                            return (s.Length - num);

                        case '=':
                            goto Label_0086;
                else if ((ch >= '\x00a0') && (ch < 'Ā'))
                    return (s.Length - num);
        return -1;

    // Nested Types
    private static class HtmlEntities
        // Fields
        private static string[] _entitiesList = new string[] { 
        "\"-quot", "&-amp", "'-apos", "<-lt", ">-gt", "\x00a0-nbsp", "\x00a1-iexcl", "\x00a2-cent", "\x00a3-pound", "\x00a4-curren", "\x00a5-yen", "\x00a6-brvbar", "\x00a7-sect", "\x00a8-uml", "\x00a9-copy", "\x00aa-ordf", 
        "\x00ab-laquo", "\x00ac-not", "\x00ad-shy", "\x00ae-reg", "\x00af-macr", "\x00b0-deg", "\x00b1-plusmn", "\x00b2-sup2", "\x00b3-sup3", "\x00b4-acute", "\x00b5-micro", "\x00b6-para", "\x00b7-middot", "\x00b8-cedil", "\x00b9-sup1", "\x00ba-ordm", 
        "\x00bb-raquo", "\x00bc-frac14", "\x00bd-frac12", "\x00be-frac34", "\x00bf-iquest", "\x00c0-Agrave", "\x00c1-Aacute", "\x00c2-Acirc", "\x00c3-Atilde", "\x00c4-Auml", "\x00c5-Aring", "\x00c6-AElig", "\x00c7-Ccedil", "\x00c8-Egrave", "\x00c9-Eacute", "\x00ca-Ecirc", 
        "\x00cb-Euml", "\x00cc-Igrave", "\x00cd-Iacute", "\x00ce-Icirc", "\x00cf-Iuml", "\x00d0-ETH", "\x00d1-Ntilde", "\x00d2-Ograve", "\x00d3-Oacute", "\x00d4-Ocirc", "\x00d5-Otilde", "\x00d6-Ouml", "\x00d7-times", "\x00d8-Oslash", "\x00d9-Ugrave", "\x00da-Uacute", 
        "\x00db-Ucirc", "\x00dc-Uuml", "\x00dd-Yacute", "\x00de-THORN", "\x00df-szlig", "\x00e0-agrave", "\x00e1-aacute", "\x00e2-acirc", "\x00e3-atilde", "\x00e4-auml", "\x00e5-aring", "\x00e6-aelig", "\x00e7-ccedil", "\x00e8-egrave", "\x00e9-eacute", "\x00ea-ecirc", 
        "\x00eb-euml", "\x00ec-igrave", "\x00ed-iacute", "\x00ee-icirc", "\x00ef-iuml", "\x00f0-eth", "\x00f1-ntilde", "\x00f2-ograve", "\x00f3-oacute", "\x00f4-ocirc", "\x00f5-otilde", "\x00f6-ouml", "\x00f7-divide", "\x00f8-oslash", "\x00f9-ugrave", "\x00fa-uacute", 
        "\x00fb-ucirc", "\x00fc-uuml", "\x00fd-yacute", "\x00fe-thorn", "\x00ff-yuml", "Œ-OElig", "œ-oelig", "Š-Scaron", "š-scaron", "Ÿ-Yuml", "ƒ-fnof", "ˆ-circ", "˜-tilde", "Α-Alpha", "Β-Beta", "Γ-Gamma", 
        "Δ-Delta", "Ε-Epsilon", "Ζ-Zeta", "Η-Eta", "Θ-Theta", "Ι-Iota", "Κ-Kappa", "Λ-Lambda", "Μ-Mu", "Ν-Nu", "Ξ-Xi", "Ο-Omicron", "Π-Pi", "Ρ-Rho", "Σ-Sigma", "Τ-Tau", 
        "Υ-Upsilon", "Φ-Phi", "Χ-Chi", "Ψ-Psi", "Ω-Omega", "α-alpha", "β-beta", "γ-gamma", "δ-delta", "ε-epsilon", "ζ-zeta", "η-eta", "θ-theta", "ι-iota", "κ-kappa", "λ-lambda", 
        "μ-mu", "ν-nu", "ξ-xi", "ο-omicron", "π-pi", "ρ-rho", "ς-sigmaf", "σ-sigma", "τ-tau", "υ-upsilon", "φ-phi", "χ-chi", "ψ-psi", "ω-omega", "ϑ-thetasym", "ϒ-upsih", 
        "ϖ-piv", " -ensp", " -emsp", " -thinsp", "‌-zwnj", "‍-zwj", "‎-lrm", "‏-rlm", "–-ndash", "—-mdash", "‘-lsquo", "’-rsquo", "‚-sbquo", "“-ldquo", "”-rdquo", "„-bdquo", 
        "†-dagger", "‡-Dagger", "•-bull", "…-hellip", "‰-permil", "′-prime", "″-Prime", "‹-lsaquo", "›-rsaquo", "‾-oline", "⁄-frasl", "€-euro", "ℑ-image", "℘-weierp", "ℜ-real", "™-trade", 
        "ℵ-alefsym", "←-larr", "↑-uarr", "→-rarr", "↓-darr", "↔-harr", "↵-crarr", "⇐-lArr", "⇑-uArr", "⇒-rArr", "⇓-dArr", "⇔-hArr", "∀-forall", "∂-part", "∃-exist", "∅-empty", 
        "∇-nabla", "∈-isin", "∉-notin", "∋-ni", "∏-prod", "∑-sum", "−-minus", "∗-lowast", "√-radic", "∝-prop", "∞-infin", "∠-ang", "∧-and", "∨-or", "∩-cap", "∪-cup", 
        "∫-int", "∴-there4", "∼-sim", "≅-cong", "≈-asymp", "≠-ne", "≡-equiv", "≤-le", "≥-ge", "⊂-sub", "⊃-sup", "⊄-nsub", "⊆-sube", "⊇-supe", "⊕-oplus", "⊗-otimes", 
        "⊥-perp", "⋅-sdot", "⌈-lceil", "⌉-rceil", "⌊-lfloor", "⌋-rfloor", "〈-lang", "〉-rang", "◊-loz", "♠-spades", "♣-clubs", "♥-hearts", "♦-diams"
        private static Dictionary<string, char> _lookupTable = GenerateLookupTable();

        // Methods
        private static Dictionary<string, char> GenerateLookupTable()
            Dictionary<string, char> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, char>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
            foreach (string str in _entitiesList)
                dictionary.Add(str.Substring(2), str[0]);
            return dictionary;

        public static char Lookup(string entity)
            char ch;
            _lookupTable.TryGetValue(entity, out ch);
            return ch;

I'd strongly not recommend rolling your own encoding. 我强烈建议不要推荐自己的编码。 I'd use the Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library which is very small (v1.5 is ~30kb) if HttpUtility.HtmlEncode isn't available. 如果HttpUtility.HtmlEncode不可用,我会使用非常小的微软反交叉站点脚本库 (v1.5是~30kb)。

As for decoding, maybe you could use the decoding routine from Mono ? 至于解码,也许你可以使用Mono的解码程序?

Apparently google couldn't find it either, so they wrote there own api-compatible version: 显然谷歌也找不到它,所以他们写了自己的api兼容版本:

Here's a workaround: 这是一个解决方法:

  1. Compile Google's version as a library 将Google的版本编译为库

     wget 'http://google-gdata.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/clients/cs/src/core/HttpUtility.cs' gmcs -t:library HttpUtility.cs 
  2. Edit your-project.cs to include that namespace 编辑your-project.cs以包含该命名空间

     using Google.GData.Client; // where HttpUtility lives 
  3. Recompile using the library 使用库重新编译

     gmcs your-project.cs -r:System.Web.Services -r:System.Web -r:HttpUtility 

From glancing at the source code, it appears that this is .NET 2.0 -compatible. 从浏览源代码看,这似乎与.NET 2.0兼容。

I just wrote my first hello world in csharp yesterday and I ran into this problem, so I hope this helps someone else. 昨天我刚刚在csharp写了我的第一个问候世界,我遇到了这个问题,所以我希望这可以帮助别人。

When addressing Windows Phone and the Desktop (Client profile!) world the fastest way I found is: 在解决Windows Phone 桌面 (客户端配置文件!)世界时,我找到的最快方式是:

        private static string HtmlDecode(string text)
            return System.Net.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(text);
            return System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(text);

The odd thing for me was that the namespace is System.Net but the class name differs in the Windows Phone world ... (don't like to use System.Web/full profile when not really needed and the System.Web isn't supported on the Windows Phone platform anyway ...) 对我来说奇怪的是命名空间是System.Net但是Windows Phone世界中的类名不同...(不喜欢在不需要时使用System.Web /完整配置文件而System.Web不是'无论如何,Windows Phone平台都支持...)

The .NET 3.5 SP1 Client Profile Setup Package is the "cut down" version of .NET that only includes what Microsoft perceive to be the "useful" bits of .NET for client applications. .NET 3.5 SP1客户端配置文件安装程序包.NET的“减少”版本,仅包含Microsoft认为是客户端应用程序的“有用”.NET部分。 So, useful things like the HttpUtility classes are missing. 因此,缺少像HttpUtility类这样的有用的东西。

For more on that see ScottGu's blog , search for "Client Profile Setup Package". 有关更多信息,请参阅ScottGu的博客 ,搜索“客户端配置文件设置包”。

To get around this you could always extract System.Web.dll from the GAC (it'll be in c:\\windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\ ... ) and deploy it with your application. 为了解决这个问题,你总是可以从GAC中提取System.Web.dll (它将在c:\\windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\ ... ),并将其与你的应用程序一起部署。 You will, however, need to track updates and service packs as you deploy. 但是,您需要在部署时跟踪更新和Service Pack。

Better might be to take the hit of the full .NET Framework deployment. 更好的方法是采用完整的.NET Framework部署。

Two main ways : 两种主要方式:

  1. Deploy using the full .NET Framework 使用完整的.NET Framework进行部署
  2. Write your own / 3rd party lib for these functionalities 为这些功能编写自己的/第三方库

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