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[英]Best database for mobile phone development

I am writing an application that initially will be developed as web (probably Silverlight) and Android application. 我正在编写一个应用程序,最初将开发为Web(可能是Silverlight)和Android应用程序。 I found on Android website that SQLite is supported, but I plan to release the same app for Windows Mobile, Palm Web OS and iPhone as well. 我在Android 网站上发现支持SQLite,但我计划为Windows Mobile,Palm Web OS和iPhone发布相同的应用程序。

Could you please advice me on which database would be the best to work with for all platforms? 您能否告诉我哪个数据库最适合所有平台?

EDIT: Maybe I should add that I would want all applications (mobile/desktop) to connect to a main server when internet connection is detected and synchronize all data that's changed. 编辑:也许我应该补充一点,我希望所有应用程序(移动/桌面)在检测到互联网连接时连接到主服务器并同步所有已更改的数据。

Sqlite should be available on all those platforms (certainly on android an iPhones). Sqlite应该可以在所有这些平台上使用(当然在Android和iPhone上)。

However, it probably doesn't matter. 但是,它可能没关系。 You're not going to be calling directly into the Sqlite API, you're going to be using the "data" API on the phone. 你不打算直接调用Sqlite API,你将在手机上使用“数据”API。

That, and each platform has it's own preferred programming language, so even if you were using the Sqlite api directly, you wouldn't have the ability to cross-compile. 那个,每个平台都有自己喜欢的编程语言,所以即使你直接使用Sqlite api,你也没有交叉编译的能力。

If you have data to import for your app, I think I'd try to find a platform-neutral format (like a text file) that you could use to import into the various api's. 如果您要为您的应用导入数据,我想我会尝试找到一种平台中立格式(如文本文件),您可以使用该格式导入各种api。

SQLite is supported by all platforms mentioned. 所提到的所有平台都支持SQLite。 As far as know thats what our teams that working on those platform are using. 据我所知,我们在这些平台上工作的团队正在使用它们。 So i'd say stick with SQLite 所以我会坚持使用SQLite


Way to late to the party here, but i will add my two cents anyway. 在这里参加晚会的方式很晚,但无论如何我还要加两分钱。 Couchbase Lite database is new and gaining a lot of momentum. Couchbase Lite数据库是新的,并获得了很大的发展势头。 It meets all the above said requirement you can check it out here http://developer.couchbase.com/mobile/ 它符合上述所有要求,您可以在此处查看http://developer.couchbase.com/mobile/

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