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Visual Studio 2008调试器随机死亡

[英]Visual Studio 2008 Debugger randomly dying

I am having a rather bizarre error when trying to debug a .NET web application. 在尝试调试.NET Web应用程序时,我遇到了一个相当奇怪的错误。

My system: Windows 7 Ultimate (IIS7), Visual Studio 2008, DotNetNuke 4.8.2. 我的系统:Windows 7旗舰版(IIS7),Visual Studio 2008,DotNetNuke 4.8.2。

I have a Web Application which I am trying to attach the debugger to w3wp.exe. 我有一个Web应用程序,我试图将调试器附加到w3wp.exe。 I set a breakpoint in my code: could be an ascx.cs page or a library I am referencing. 我在代码中设置了一个断点:可以是ascx.cs页面或我引用的库。

Here's the weird part. 这是奇怪的部分。 Once I run through that part of the website, the code breaks, and I am able to debug, step through between 1-20 lines of code, and all of a sudden it's as if I pressed Continue. 一旦我浏览了网站的那一部分,代码就会中断,我可以调试,在1-20行代码之间逐步执行,突然之间就像我按下了Continue一样。 The timing doesn't seem significant (sometimes it happens after 2 minutes, sometimes after 2 seconds) and there are no error messages in the output or Event Viewer. 时间似乎并不重要(有时它会在2分钟后发生,有时在2秒后发生)并且输出或事件查看器中没有错误消息。

If I try to attach the debugger with managed and native, it goes to disassembly mode for w3wp. 如果我尝试将调试器与托管和本机连接,它将进入w3wp的反汇编模式。 Again, no real obvious error. 再次,没有真正明显的错误。

Anyone can at least point me in the right direction as to what could be interrupting the debugger? 任何人都可以至少指出我可能正在打断调试器的正确方向? Without any error messages, I cannot even begin to figure out where to go next. 没有任何错误消息,我甚至无法确定下一步该去哪里。

I've tried: 我试过了:

  • Rebuilding the website configuration in IIS 在IIS中重建网站配置
  • Check the app pool settings to make sure it's not timing out 检查应用程序池设置以确保它没有超时
  • disabled every conceivable service on my computer 禁用我计算机上的所有可能的服务
  • Resetting my Visual Studio settings 重置我的Visual Studio设置
  • Rebuilding the project 重建项目

This is a bug in the VS2008 SP1 debugger. 这是VS2008 SP1调试器中的一个错误。 MS released a hotfix some time ago: MS前一段时间发布了一个修补程序:

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957912 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957912

The bug is described on that page as: 该页面上描述的错误如下:

Stepping when you debug a managed multithreaded application can randomly turn into a "go" 调试托管多线程应用程序时的步进可以随机变为“go”

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