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[英]Http tunneling to pass firewall in C# (TCP)

My need is to communicate between 2 client behind NAT using http tunneling. 我需要使用http隧道在NAT后面的2个客户端之间进行通信。 Is it possible? 可能吗? What all setup is needed to achieve this (like http proxy server etc.)? 要实现此目的,需要进行什么设置(例如http代理服务器等)? Is there any library or sample code available for implementing http tunneling over TCP in C#? 是否有任何库或示例代码可用于在C#中通过TCP实现HTTP隧道传输?

It might be possible for you to use this library: http://granados.sourceforge.net/ 您可能可以使用此库: http : //granados.sourceforge.net/

It supports port forwarding (tunneling in this case), but I haven't tried it myself. 它支持端口转发(在这种情况下为隧道连接),但是我自己还没有尝试过。

It's an SSH library... so if you can set up an SSH server on either end of the connection you'll be able to establish an SSH connection and create a tunnel. 这是一个SSH库...因此,如果您可以在连接的任一端设置SSH服务器,则可以建立SSH连接并创建隧道。

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