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C++ 计算 CPU/内存使用情况

[英]C++ figure out CPU/Memory usage

I have a C++ app called ./blah (to which I have the source code)我有一个名为 ./blah 的 C++ 应用程序(我有源代码)

when I run ./blah当我运行 ./blah

I can run "top" and see how much memory & cpu "./blah" is using.我可以运行“top”并查看“./blah”使用了多少内存和 CPU。

Now, is there anyway for "./blah" to access that information itself?现在,无论如何“./blah”可以访问该信息本身? Ie when I run ./blah, I want it to every second dump out it's CPU & Memory usage.即当我运行 ./blah 时,我希望它每秒转储一次它的 CPU 和内存使用情况。 What library should I be using to do this?我应该使用什么库来做到这一点?

I'm on MacOSX;我在 MacOSX 上; but I'd prefer a solution that works on Linux too.但我更喜欢一个也适用于 Linux 的解决方案。


You want getrusage() .你想要getrusage() From the man page :手册页

int getrusage(int who, struct rusage *r_usage);

getrusage() returns information describing the resources utilized by the current process, or all its terminated child processes. getrusage()返回描述当前进程或其所有终止子进程使用的资源的信息。 The who parameter is either RUSAGE_SELF or RUSAGE_CHILDREN . who参数是RUSAGE_SELFRUSAGE_CHILDREN The buffer to which r_usage points will be filled in with the following structure:将使用以下结构填充r_usage指向的缓冲区:

 struct rusage {
         struct timeval ru_utime; /* user time used */
         struct timeval ru_stime; /* system time used */
         long ru_maxrss;          /* integral max resident set size */
         long ru_ixrss;           /* integral shared text memory size */
         long ru_idrss;           /* integral unshared data size */
         long ru_isrss;           /* integral unshared stack size */
         long ru_minflt;          /* page reclaims */
         long ru_majflt;          /* page faults */
         long ru_nswap;           /* swaps */
         long ru_inblock;         /* block input operations */
         long ru_oublock;         /* block output operations */
         long ru_msgsnd;          /* messages sent */
         long ru_msgrcv;          /* messages received */
         long ru_nsignals;        /* signals received */
         long ru_nvcsw;           /* voluntary context switches */
         long ru_nivcsw;          /* involuntary context switches */

Linux provides this information in: Linux 在以下位置提供此信息:


And you can get the current pid with:您可以通过以下方式获取当前 pid:


Returns pid_t.返回 pid_t。

Here's a piece of code I found displaying that info in a sensible format: http://brokestream.com/procstat.html这是我发现以合理格式显示该信息的一段代码: http : //brokestream.com/procstat.html

I don't know if this works on Mac OSX.我不知道这是否适用于 Mac OSX。

EDIT: Mac OS X doesn't have a procfs filesystem so this won't work for Mac OSX, sorry!编辑:Mac OS X 没有 procfs 文件系统,所以这不适用于 Mac OSX,抱歉!

If you are interested in using this information to profile your application, you could use dtrace on OSX:如果您有兴趣使用此信息来分析您的应用程序,您可以在 OSX 上使用 dtrace:

http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.23/23.11/ExploringLeopardwithDTrace/index.html http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.23/23.11/ExploringLeopardwithDTrace/index.html

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