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使用Ruby on Rails搜索子哈希

[英]Searching in a subhash with Ruby on Rails

I have a hash of hashes like so: 我有这样的哈希哈希:

Parameters: {"order"=>{"items_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"product_name"=>"FOOBAR"}}}}

Given that the depth and names of the keys may change, I need to be able to extract the value of 'product_name' (in this example "FOOBAR") with some sort of search or select method, but I cannot seem to figure it out. 鉴于键的深度和名称可能会发生变化,我需要能够通过某种搜索或选择方法来提取“ product_name”的值(在本示例中为“ FOOBAR”),但我似乎无法弄清楚。

An added complication is that Params is (I think) a HashWithIndifferentAccess 更为复杂的是,Params(我认为)是HashWithIndifferentAccess

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

Is this what you mean? 你是这个意思吗?

if params.has_key?("order") and params["order"].has_key?("items_attributes") then
    o = params["order"]["items_attributes"]
    o.each do |k, v|
        # k is the key of this inner hash, ie "0" in your example
        if v.has_key?("product_name") then
            # Obviously you'll want to stuff this in an array or something, not print it
            print v["product_name"] 

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