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我必须对.NET 2.0应用程序进行哪些更改,以便它可以在Windows Server 2008上安装并正常运行

[英]What changes do I have to make to a .NET 2.0 Application so that it installs and runs fine on Windows Server 2008

I get CLR20r3 error and very non-descriptive messages. 我收到CLR20r3错误和非描述性消息。

I tried making an installer as well as used click once to deploy the app onto the server but failed both the times. 我尝试制作一个安装程序以及使用一次单击将应用程序部署到服务器上,但两次均失败。 Is there a set of steps that we have to go through to target 2008 server deployments? 要针对2008服务器部署需要执行一组步骤吗?

Here is the error message : Description: 这是错误消息:说明:

Stopped working 停止工作

Problem signature: 问题签名:

Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: my App Name Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 4b7b2b38 Problem Signature 04: my App Name Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 4b7b2b38 Problem Signature 07: d Problem Signature 08: e0 Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidOperationException 问题事件名称:CLR20r3问题签名01:我的应用程序名称问题签名02:问题签名03:4b7b2b38问题签名04:我的应用程序名称问题签名05:问题签名06:4b7b2b38问题签名07:d问题签名08:e0问题签名09:System.InvalidOperationException

OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 操作系统版本:6.1.7600.语言环境ID:1033

You should have to make no changes. 您应该无需进行任何更改。

The first thing I would do is just copy the bin\\debug to a server and see if it runs. 我要做的第一件事就是将bin \\ debug复制到服务器上,看看它是否在运行。

You may be having platform mismatch problems. 您可能遇到平台不匹配的问题。 Is the server running x64 or x86? 服务器运行的是x64还是x86? You are targeting which platform? 您要针对哪个平台?

The server has appropriate .net framework installed? 服务器已安装适当的.net框架?

They're throwing unhandled exceptions. 他们抛出了未处理的异常。 First instinct is that its a permissions problem. 首先的直觉是它的权限问题。 Make sure the binaries aren't blocked (right click, properties, unblock button at the bottom right), then run the installer as admin. 确保二进制文件未被阻止(右键单击,属性,右下方的取消阻止按钮),然后以管理员身份运行安装程序。

Not sure where you got that error from, but if you haven't checked the log, do so. 不确定从哪里得到该错误,但是如果您没有检查日志,请这样做。 If that still doesn't get you anywhere, copy the MSI installer to the 2k8 box and follow these instructions to generate a log file for the install. 如果仍然无法解决问题,请将MSI安装程序复制到2k8框中,然后按照以下说明为安装生成日志文件。 May get you some add'l info. 可能会为您提供一些附加信息。

You will need to write an event handler for the AppDomain.UnhandledException event. 您将需要为AppDomain.UnhandledException事件编写事件处理程序。 Log the value of e.ExceptionObject.ToString(). 记录e.ExceptionObject.ToString()的值。 That will include the exception message and a stack trace that shows you how your code got into trouble. 这将包括异常消息和堆栈跟踪,向您显示代码如何陷入困境。

There was a check for compatibility option when i right clicked on the application (on the server). 当我右键单击应用程序(在服务器上)时,有一个兼容性检查选项。

I selected that and it came up with a suggestion that I should pick xp settings. 我选择了它,然后提出了一个建议,我应该选择XP设置。 I selected the option and every thing worked. 我选择了该选项,并且一切正常。

I still dont have a clear answer on why it didnot work with out any of the changes. 对于为什么没有进行任何更改,我仍然没有明确的答案。 I am going to debug the app using windows 7 machine and woudl post any findings worth mentioning. 我将使用Windows 7机器调试该应用程序,woudl发布任何值得一提的发现。

Thanks 谢谢


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