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[英]Do you think F#'s async workflows will be introduced in C# in the future?

First of all, I apologize because of my foolish question, I really don't know much about F#. 首先,由于我的愚蠢问题,我道歉,我对F#的了解并不多。 But I know that it makes thread handling significantly easier. 但是我知道这使线程处理变得更加容易。 However, seeing the language construct someone might wonder why C# should miss the coolness that is asynchronous workflows? 但是,看到这种语言的构造,有人可能会问为什么C#应该错过异步工作流的凉爽之处? What theoretical limitation does C# have that prevents the aforementioned feature from being introduced? C#有什么理论上的限制来阻止引入上述功能?

I don't know the answer to your question, but regarding Concurrency and Coordination runtime - there are actually simpler alternatives (also based on yield return ). 我不知道您问题的答案,但是关于并发和协调运行时-实际上有更简单的选择(也基于yield return )。 I wrote one article about it a long time ago and there is also Jefrey Richters "PowerThreading" library, which is surprisingly simple and powerful (and uses the same trick). 我很久以前写了一篇关于它的文章,还有Jefrey Richters的“ PowerThreading”库,它出奇的简单和强大(并且使用相同的技巧)。

To answer the question whether it would be technically possible to have something like F# asynchronous workflows in C# - I'd say yes - it's actually an idea pretty similar to iterators (and as you can see, you can use C# iterators for asynchronous programming already!) though there would be some interesting problems to resolve. 为了回答这个问题,在技术上是否可以在C#中使用F#异步工作流之类的技术-我会说是-实际上,这是一个与迭代器非常相似的想法(如您所见,您已经可以使用C#迭代器进行异步编程了) !)尽管会有一些有趣的问题要解决。

There's always the coordination and concurrency runtime which provides a similar style in C#, but makes for some slightly weird looking code via unusual use of the yield keyword. 总是有协调和并发运行时 ,它在C#中提供了类似的样式,但是通过非常规使用yield关键字,使代码看起来有些奇怪。 It's proved extremely handy for thread handling in C# and I'd recommend it for anything requiring more than trivial thread coordination. 在C#中证明它非常方便进行线程处理,我建议将它用于需要琐碎的线程协调的任何事情。

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