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如何使用Cookie和/或GET / POST参数进行authkit身份验证?

[英]How can I do authkit authentication with Cookies and/or a GET/POST param?

I am building an application and I would like to try and use authkit for authentication and authorization. 我正在构建一个应用程序,我想尝试使用authkit进行身份验证和授权。 However, I know that I will be using swfupload and will not be able to rely on the auth cookie being passed through Flash. 但是,我知道我将使用swfupload,并且将不能依赖通过Flash传递的auth cookie。 In the past I have rolled my own cookie/auth solution from the ground up but I would love to avoid doing that this time. 过去,我从头开始构建自己的cookie / auth解决方案,但这次我希望避免这样做。

Is there a way to configuration authkit.authenticate.cookie to fallback to a POST or GET param if the cookie is not found? 如果找不到cookie,是否可以将authkit.authenticate.cookie配置为回authkit.authenticate.cookie POSTGET参数? Or is there an easy method to add this functionality on top of the form, cookie or redirect, cookie methods? 还是有一种简单的方法可以在form, cookieredirect, cookie方法的基础上添加此功能?

I came across this same problem just today. 就在今天,我遇到了同样的问题。 The most common solution people seem to be using is to inject the Authkit cookie values back into the request's cookies from a POST var, which is added to the request by the swfupload cookies plugin . 人们似乎最常用的解决方案是将POST变量中的Authkit cookie值注入回请求的cookie中,该变量由swfupload cookies插件添加到请求中。 There are some recipes out there for doing this, but I couldn't find one for Pylons. 有一些食谱可以做到这一点,但我找不到Pylons的食谱。

I've thrown together this little piece of middleware which seems to do the job. 我把这个小小的中间件拼凑在一起,看起来很不错。

from webob import Request

class AuthkitCookieFromPost(object):
    """Injects authkit cookie value from swfupload cookies plugin"""

    def __init__(self, app):
        self.app = app

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        request = Request(environ)
        authkit_token = request.POST.get('authkit')
        cookies = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')
        if authkit_token and not cookies:
          environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = "authkit=" + authkit_token
        return self.app(environ, start_response)

You need to include this in your middleware config so that it's called before Authkit, ie. 您需要将此包含在中间件配置中,以便在Authkit之前调用它,即。 below it in the conf. 在conf下面。

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