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iPhone uiwebview程序化缩放

[英]iphone uiwebview programmatic zoom

I'm developing an app that saves html files locally on iPhone file system, then load them in UIWebView. 我正在开发一个将html文件本地保存在iPhone文件系统上的应用程序,然后将其加载到UIWebView中。 I want to be able to zoom or double tap programmatically on the UIWebView, I tried searching for javascript code, but I could only scroll. 我希望能够以编程方式在UIWebView上进行缩放或双击,我尝试搜索javascript代码,但只能滚动。

I also tried the webview transform, but didn't work out for me. 我也尝试了webview转换,但对我来说没有用。 I found this method 我发现这种方法


http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIApplication_Class/Reference/Reference.html#jumpTo_26 http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIApplication_Class/Reference/Reference.html#jumpTo_26

in the UIApplication class, that can send actions to controls. 在UIApplication类中,可以将操作发送到控件。

Does anybody know how to send the double tap action programmatically to a UIWebView on a certain x,y? 有人知道如何以编程方式将双击动作发送到某个x,y上的UIWebView吗?

get the UIWebview's subview which is a UIScrollview 获取UIWebview的子视图,即UIScrollview

UIScrollView *sview = [[webview subviews] objectAtIndex:0];

Then use zoom methods on that. 然后在其上使用缩放方法。


UIScrollView *sv = [[webViewView subviews] objectAtIndex:0]; [sv zoomToRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, sv.contentSize.width, sv.contentSize.height) animated:YES];

To get double tap from UIWebview u need to subclass the UIWindow and use the method, 要从UIWebview双击,您需要继承UIWindow并使用方法,

- (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    NSLog(@"tap detect");
    NSArray *allTouches = [[event allTouches] allObjects];
    UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
    UIView *touchView = [touch view];

    if (touchView && [touchView isDescendantOfView:urWebview]) {
        // touchesBegan

            // doubletap

From this subclass of UIWindow use a delegate or Notification to catch the tap on your class. 在UIWindow的此子类中,使用委托或通知来捕获类上的点击。

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