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[英]Template class, function specialization

I want to have a template class that looks something like what I have down below. 我想要一个看起来像我下面的模板类。 Then, I want a function in it with a template specialization depending on a CLASS template parameter. 然后,我想要一个带有模板特化的函数,具体取决于CLASS模板参数。 How do I make this work? 我该如何工作? I realize the code I provided is wrong on many levels, but it's just to illustrate the concept. 我意识到我提供的代码在很多层面都是错误的,但它只是为了说明这个概念。

template <typename _T, size_t num>
class Foo
    // If num == 1, I want to call this function...
    void Func<_T, 1>()

    // Otherwise, I want to call this version.
    void Func<_T, num>()
        printf("Hello world!");
struct Otherwise { };
template<size_t> struct C : Otherwise { };

// don't use _Uppercase - those names are reserved for the implementation
// (i removed the '_' char)
template <typename T, size_t num>
class Foo
    void Func() { Func(C<num>()); }

    // If num == 1, I want to call this function...
    void Func(C<1>)
        printf("Hi 1!");

    // If num == 2, I want to call this function...
    void Func(C<2>)
        printf("Hi 2!");

    // Otherwise, I want to call this version.
    void Func(Otherwise)
        printf("Hello world!");

    //// alternative otherwise solution:
    // template<size_t I>
    // void Func(C<I>) { .. }

There are no partial specialisations of function templates, and to partially specialise a member you need to first partially specialise the class template. 函数模板没有部分特化,并且要部分地特化成员,首先需要部分专门化类模板。

template< typename _T, size_t num >
struct Foo {
    void Func() {
        printf("Hello world!");

template< typename _T >
struct Foo< _T, 1 > {
    void Func() {

Now, if Foo also contains methods other than Func whose implementation is independent of the value for num , and you don't want to duplicate their implementation in the specialization of Foo , you can apply the following pattern: 现在,如果Foo还包含Func以外的方法,其实现独立于num的值,并且您不想在Foo复制它们的实现,则可以应用以下模式:

template< typename _T, size_t num >
struct FooFuncBase {
    void Func() {
        printf("Hello world!");

template< typename _T >
struct FooFuncBase< _T, 1 > {
    void Func() {

template< typename _T, size_t num >
struct Foo : public FooFuncBase< _T, num > {
  void OtherFuncWhoseImplementationDoesNotDependOnNum() {

Or, using CRTP : 或者,使用CRTP

template< typename _Derived, typename _T, size_t num >
struct FooFuncBase {
    void Func() {
        static_cast< _Derived* >(this)->OtherFuncWhoseImplementationDoesNotDependOnNum();
        printf("Hello world!");

template< typename _Derived, typename _T >
struct FooFuncBase< _Derived, _T, 1 > {
    void Func() {
        static_cast< _Derived* >(this)->OtherFuncWhoseImplementationDoesNotDependOnNum();

template< typename _T, size_t num >
struct Foo : public FooFuncBase< Foo< _T, num >, _T, num > {
  void OtherFuncWhoseImplementationDoesNotDependOnNum() {

This is called partial template specialisation. 这称为部分模板专业化。 It looks like this: 它看起来像这样:

template<typename _T, size_t num>
class FooBase

template <typename _T, size_t num>
class Foo : public FooBase<_T,num>
    void Func()
        printf("Hello world!");

template <typename _T>
class Foo<_T,1> : public FooBase<_T,num>
    void Func()

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