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[英]How can 2 applications on the same websphere server see each others static content?

We have one websphere server with multiple applications running on it. 我们有一台Websphere服务器,上面运行着多个应用程序。 They're all running on separate profiles, but they are somehow able to access each others static content. 它们都在单独的配置文件上运行,但是它们能够以某种方式访问​​彼此的静态内容。

For example, the following URLs both return images... 例如,以下URL都返回图像...


...when the image only exists in the project of the first app! ...当图像仅存在于第一个应用程序的项目中时! The domains each point to different IPs, which are then routed to different ports on the server. 每个域都指向不同的IP,然后将这些IP路由到服务器上的不同端口。

We can't see anything obvious in the websphere configuration files. 我们在websphere配置文件中看不到任何明显的东西。 Anyone seen this before? 有人看过吗? We'd appreciate any help! 我们将不胜感激!

UPDATE: I won't have access to troubleshoot or even analyze the server for about a month, unfortunately. 更新:不幸的是,大约一个月后,我将无权进行故障排除或分析服务器。 I'm pretty sure the problem is in the websphere apache plugin configuration. 我很确定问题出在websphere apache插件配置中。

I need additional inputs to help you. 我需要其他帮助。

First thing, is images a webapp context root? 首先,图像是webapp上下文根吗?

From the URL i am assuming that is the case. 从URL,我假设是这种情况。

I am also assuming that you are fronting the WAS with a web server as you are not specifying the port number of the WAS Server instances. 我还假设您正在将WAS置于Web服务器的前面,因为您未指定WAS Server实例的端口号。

WHat is firstapp.com and secondapp.com (is that a host name). WHat是firstapp.com和secondapp.com(是主机名)。 I want to ascertain that you are not swallowing the context root when you provided these URLs. 我想确定当您提供这些URL时您没有吞下上下文根。

If the Web Server plugin is used (which is the case if you are accessing via port 80 as seen by the URL), whom does it route the request to? 如果使用了Web Server插件(如果您正在通过端口80(如URL所示)进行访问,则是这种情况),它将请求发送给谁?

I guess i will be able to help you once i have your inputs on the above. 我想一旦我对上述内容提出意见,我就能为您提供帮助。

Manglu 芒鲁

Do you have content fronted up by IBM Apache or similar? 您是否有IBM Apache或类似机构提供的内容? That's what I'd look at in the first instance. 这就是我首先要看的内容。


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