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[英]WPF Templates and binding to DataContext in a GridView

I'm trying to create a series of bound columns in a RadGridView, and I'm using a template to create hyperlinks in two of the columns. 我正在尝试在RadGridView中创建一系列绑定列,我正在使用模板在两个列中创建超链接。 Here is basically what I have: 这基本上就是我所拥有的:

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn IsReadOnly="True" UniqueName="Distributor" DataContext="{Binding Distributor}" CellTemplate="{StaticResource linkTemplate}"/>

and, 和,

    <DataTemplate x:Key="linkTemplate">
            <Hyperlink DataContext={TemplateBinding DataContext} Click="Hyperlink_Click">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

The RadGridView itself is bound to a set of DistributorContainer objects that have, among other things, a Distributor property. RadGridView本身绑定到一组DistributorContainer对象,这些对象具有Distributor属性等。 The linkTemplate refers directly to properties in the Distributor object, so the hyperlink's datacontext needs to be set to the Distributor. linkTemplate直接引用Distributor对象中的属性,因此需要将超链接的datacontext设置为Distributor。

Unfortunately, the Hyperlink's data context is the DistributorContainer object. 不幸的是,Hyperlink的数据上下文是DistributorContainer对象。 I'm using the linkTemplate (as well as the Hyperlink_Click handler) on lists that bind to lists of Distributors, and I'd really like to re-use this template since it's basically the same thing. 我在绑定到分销商列表的列表上使用linkTemplate(以及Hyperlink_Click处理程序),我真的想重新使用这个模板,因为它基本上是一样的。

Why isn't the template getting the Distributor as its DataContext through the TemplateBinding to the GridViewDataColumn? 为什么模板不通过TemplateBinding到GridViewDataColumn将Distributor作为其DataContext?

Here is an example how to achieve this: 以下是如何实现此目的的示例:


        <DataTemplate x:Key="linkTemplate">
                                RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, 
                                AncestorType={x:Type telerik:GridViewCell}}}" />
    <telerik:RadGridView ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
                DataMemberBinding="{Binding Distributor1}" 
                CellTemplate="{StaticResource linkTemplate}" />
                DataMemberBinding="{Binding Distributor2}" 
                CellTemplate="{StaticResource linkTemplate}" />

C# C#

namespace WpfApplication1
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()

            DataContext = 
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                select new DistributorContainer()
                    ID = i,
                    Distributor1 = new Distributor() { 
                        Name = String.Format("Distributor1 Name{0}", i) },
                    Distributor2 = new Distributor() { 
                        Name = String.Format("Distributor2 Name{0}", i) }

    public class DistributorContainer
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public Distributor Distributor1 { get; set; }
        public Distributor Distributor2 { get; set; }

    public class Distributor
        public string Name { get; set; }

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