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[英]Javascript: addEventListener with onkeydown doesn't seem to work

If you replace "onkeydown" with "click", it reacts, at least. 如果用“点击”替换“onkeydown”,它至少会做出反应。

<input id="yourinput" type="text" />

<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("yourinput").addEventListener("onkeydown", keyDownTextField, false);

function keyDownTextField() {
if(keycode==13) {
        alert("You hit the enter key.");
        alert("Oh no you didn't.");

The event type should be "keydown" , notice that you don't need the on prefix: 事件类型应为"keydown" ,请注意您不需要on前缀:

element.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownTextField, false);

Note also that you should get the keyCode from the event object in your handler: 另请注意,您应该从处理程序中的事件对象获取keyCode

function keyDownTextField (e) {
  var keyCode = e.keyCode;

Check an example here . 点击这里查看示例。

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