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[英]How to Moq Setting an Indexed property

I'm trying to use mock to verify that an index property has been set. 我正在尝试使用mock来验证是否已设置索引属性。 Here's a moq-able object with an index: 这是一个带有索引的moq-able对象:

public class Index
    IDictionary<object ,object> _backingField 
        = new Dictionary<object, object>();

    public virtual object this[object key]
        get { return _backingField[key]; }
        set { _backingField[key] = value; }

First, tried using Setup() : 首先,尝试使用Setup()

public void MoqUsingSetup()
    var index = new Mock<Index>();
    index.Setup(o => o["Key"]).Verifiable();
    // act
    index.Object["Key"] = "Value";

...which fails - it must be verifying against get{} ...失败了 - 必须验证get{}

So, I tried using SetupSet() : 所以,我尝试使用SetupSet()

public void MoqUsingSetupSet()
    var index = new Mock<Index>();
    index.SetupSet(o => o["Key"]).Verifiable();

... which gives a runtime exception: ...它给出了运行时异常:

System.ArgumentException : Expression is not a property access: o => o["Key"]
at Moq.ExpressionExtensions.ToPropertyInfo(LambdaExpression expression)
at Moq.Mock.SetupSet(Mock mock, Expression`1 expression)
at Moq.MockExtensions.SetupSet(Mock`1 mock, Expression`1 expression)

What's the correct way to accomplish this? 完成此任务的正确方法是什么?

This should work 这应该工作

public void MoqUsingSetup()
    var index = new Mock();
    index.SetupSet(o => o["Key"] = "Value").Verifiable();
    // act
    index.Object["Key"] = "Value";

You can just treat it like a normal property setter. 您可以像对待普通的属性设置器一样对待它。

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