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[英]System re-design, SyRS

If you are re-designing a system, and you are writing a SyRS for the re-designed version of the system, following IEEE 1233 how do you make backreferences to "the old design" and mention what was wrong with it? 如果您正在重新设计系统,并且正在为重新设计的系统版本编写SyRS,那么在遵循IEEE 1233的前提下,您如何对“旧设计”进行回溯引用并提及问题所在?

I can think of 2 ways to do it: 我可以想到两种方法:

  1. The old system should be summarized outside the new SyRS, and the new SyRS should simply specify the new system without making back references to "how it was done" in the old system. 应该在新的SyRS之外总结旧系统,而新的SyRS应该只指定系统,而不回溯旧系统中的“完成方式”。

  2. No old-system summary up-front, instead the SyRS will constantly refer to the old system and what was wrong with it inline, as the new system is being specified. 没有预先的旧系统摘要,而是在指定新系统时,SyRS会不断引用旧系统及其内联的问题。

I'd say #1. 我会说#1。

I think a summary of the old system, and it's major flaws as introductory matter (not requirements), is a win. 我认为对旧系统进行总结,并且将其作为主要问题(而不是要求),这是一个胜利。 From a communication/efficiency perspective, a new developer or tester should not have to learn all about the old system in order to work with the new system, but there should be some overall learning-from-mistakes that can happen at a higher level. 从沟通/效率的角度来看,新开发人员或测试人员不必为了使用新系统而学习所有有关旧系统的知识,但应该在更高层次上进行一些总体的失误学习。

Define the new system in a positive sense. 积极定义新系统。 In other words, state what the new system should do - both the things that it previously did as the old system, and the new functionality, and the new requirements that are essentially flaws in the old system. 换句话说,说明新系统应该做什么-既要作为旧系统完成的工作,又要具有新功能,以及新要求,这些本质上是旧系统中的缺陷。 But worded to be functions/behaviors for the new system. 但是,措辞是新系统的功能/行为。

If you refer to the old system and try to correct it's flaws through requirements, it's likely that you will end up with a lot of statements that come out as "not like that". 如果您参考旧系统并尝试通过需求纠正它的缺陷,那么最终您可能会得到很多陈述,这些陈述都是“不是那样”。 That's generally faulty requirements writing, since it is both hard to test and hard to implement correctly. 这通常是错误的需求编写,因为它既难以测试,又难以正确实现。

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