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[英]Making an half-disappeared element in CSS visible

I've been trying many techniques.. but none helped. 我一直在尝试许多技术..但没有帮助。 I tried "margin-bottom: 1em", "bottom: 2em", etc. but the element stays nearly invisible. 我尝试了“ margin-bottom:1em”,“ bottom:2em”等,但是该元素几乎保持不可见。

See the bottom of the page.. there is a sentence, which is used to be shown.. 请参阅页面底部。.有一个句子,用来显示..

Here's the URI: http://Sulayman.org/ 这是URI:http: //Sulayman.org/

Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我? - Thanks! - 谢谢!

Sure, increase the margin on the h1. 当然,增加h1的边距。 You'll probably want to remove your inline styles and move them into classes and ID's. 您可能需要删除内联样式,然后将其移动到类和ID中。

<h1 style="font-size: 2.3em; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 0.5em;" class="title">

into 进入

<h1 style="font-size: 2.3em; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 2.5em;" class="title">

"The Pixel Developer" is correct; “像素开发人员”是正确的; you need to change the value of margin-bottom to 2.5em to move the footer farther down. 您需要将margin-bottom的值更改为2.5em才能将页脚向下移动。 I'm not sure why you are using inline styles instead of putting them in your stylesheet, but that is irrelevant to the problem. 我不确定为什么您要使用内联样式而不是将其放入样式表中,但这与问题无关。 I changed your code in my browser and it works as you requested. 我在浏览器中更改了您的代码,它可以按您的要求工作。

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