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[英]How do we extend CSLA.NET if we wanted to have our own business objects using c#

can we create our own platform/objects and interact it with CSLA.NET, is this possible or not? 我们可以创建自己的平台/对象并与CSLA.NET进行交互吗? Can somebody out there who has more experience in CSLA.NET can help or advice. 可以在CSLA.NET方面有更多经验的人可以提供帮助或建议。 Thank you 谢谢

The real question here is: Your platform/objects will need CSLA? 真正的问题是:您的平台/对象将需要CSLA?

First you need know what is csla and how you can use it? 首先,您需要了解什么是csla,以及如何使用它?

CSLA is a framework to develop business objects, the framework provide a easy way to implement your business and validation rules, providing authorization checker in the object life cycle. CSLA是开发业务对象的框架,该框架提供了一种实现业务和验证规则的简便方法,并在对象生命周期中提供了授权检查器。

Csla implements a proxy (dataportal) to use your objects from web and windows application without any change. Csla实现了一个代理(数据端口)以使用来自Web和Windows应用程序的对象,而无需进行任何更改。 The csla objects can be easily bind to controls full functionality of error check. 可以轻松将csla对象绑定到控件,以执行错误检查的全部功能。 The nice work done in csla let you split your application follow a MDA and let for example the data access work to linq to sql. 在csla中完成的出色工作使您可以按照MDA拆分应用程序,例如让数据访问linq到sql。

So you must search in the functionality that you expect have your plataform/objects, if your object not will work with the business logic (very rare but posible), you could let that work to csla, if your object will do it doest not have any sense duplicate the functionality. 因此,您必须搜索期望具有平台/对象的功能,如果您的对象不能与业务逻辑一起使用(非常少见,但有可能),则可以让该功能用于csla(如果您的对象可以做到)任何意义上都重复了功能。

For more information about csla you can go to the owner web site at: http://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/Info.aspx . 有关csla的更多信息,请访问所有者网站: http ://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/Info.aspx。

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