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[英]Need help on HL7

I need all your help in guiding me with working on HL7 Interface Integration which I am to work on between two disperate clinical applications. 我需要所有您的帮助来指导我进行HL7 Interface Integration的工作,该工作将在两个分散的临床应用程序之间进行。

Its something like this, let me explain my query with an example. 它是这样的,让我用一个例子解释我的查询。

We have Epic system that places orders(lab,medications..etc) presently. 我们有Epic系统,目前可以下订单(实验室,药品等)。 Now, next these lab orders are to result in another Cerner application. 现在,接下来这些实验订单将导致另一个Cerner应用程序。

For this, there has to be a INTERFACE ENGINE which has to read the HL7 messages coming from the EPIC system and translate them to proper messages for the Cerner SYSTEM and then write into their database. 为此,必须有一个接口引擎,该引擎必须读取来自EPIC系统HL7消息并将其转换为适合Cerner SYSTEM的消息,然后写入其数据库。

So, could you please explain me with an example interface engine which reads the HL7 messages first and translates them to Cerner application format. 因此,能否请您用一个示例接口引擎向我解释一下,该接口引擎首先读取HL7消息并将其转换为Cerner应用程序格式。

How will i implement a Interface Engine here which would read the EPIC data? 我将如何在此处实现将读取EPIC数据的接口引擎?

What steps are involved? 涉及哪些步骤? An example would be best. 一个例子是最好的。

Mainly, orders are first placed in EPIC and is to resulted in Cerner applications. 主要是,订单首先被放置在EPIC中,并最终导致Cerner应用程序。

Please help me with understanding the process,and how to do interface intregation with an Interface Engine? 请帮助我了解该过程,以及如何使用接口引擎进行接口初始化?

HL7 is a hairy beast, and by far your best bet is to look at using a pre-built interface engine that takes care of the problem for you. HL7是毛茸茸的野兽,到目前为止,最好的选择是使用预先构建的接口引擎来为您解决问题。 Something like Mirth Connect , which is a Java based system for receiving, decoding, routing, and firing events based on HL7 messages. 类似Mirth Connect的东西,这是一个基于Java的系统,用于基于HL7消息接收,解码,路由和触发事件。 Mirth is free software and open source under the Mozilla Public License and being based on Java it runs on most major OS or your can purchase dedicated hardware appliances to interface with HL7 devices. Mirth是Mozilla公共许可证下的免费软件和开源软件,它基于Java,可在大多数主要OS上运行,或者您可以购买专用的硬件设备来与HL7设备连接。 It can be used to transform HL7 messages between different systems and also works well for converting from HL7 to other protocols (TCP, SQL/ODBC, File, JMS, FTP, SOAP/HTTP). 它可以用于在不同系统之间转换HL7消息,也可以很好地用于从HL7转换为其他协议(TCP,SQL / ODBC,文件,JMS,FTP,SOAP / HTTP)。

For more information on Mirth Connect check out their Webinars or check out the Wiki for examples . 有关Mirth Connect的更多信息,请查看其网络研讨会,或查看Wiki中的示例

Most critical in comparing engines (IMO) is total cost of ownership. 比较引擎(IMO)最关键的是总拥有成本。 Interfaces have a long life cycle -- they takes minutes to months to create and then live forever. 接口的生命周期很长-创建接口需要几分钟到几个月,然后才能永久存在。 The logging, monitoring, alerting (etc) features in the engine are critical to success over the life of an interface. 引擎中的日志记录,监视,警报(等)功能对于整个接口生命周期的成功至关重要。

Pushing HL7 messages around via any engine is "pretty easy" these days. 如今,通过任何引擎推送HL7消息“非常容易”。 Commercial or open source engines allow the trivial interfaces to come up fast. 商业或开源引擎允许简单的接口快速出现。 Commercial tools typically differentiate by making the non-trivial interfaces much easier to build. 商业工具通常通过使非平凡的界面更易于构建来与众不同。 The best engines make interface construction fast, easy, and dare I say fun. 最好的引擎可以使界面构建变得快速,简单,并且我敢说有趣。 :-) :-)

Some white papers to provide background and thoughts in your search: 一些白皮书可为您的搜索提供背景和思路:

http://www.corepointhealth.com/whitepapers/evolution-hl7 -- deep review of HL7 V2 and V3 http://www.corepointhealth.com/whitepapers/evolution-hl7-HL7 V2和V3的深入回顾

If you're open to commercial software, check the KLAS rankings. 如果您愿意使用商业软件,请查看KLAS排名。

Disclosure: I'm CTO at Corepoint Health (which provides a commercial interface engine) and Co-Chair Infrastructure and Messaging (InM) Committee at HL7. 披露:我是Corepoint Health(提供商业接口引擎)的CTO,以及HL7的联合主席基础架构和消息传递(InM)委员会。

No one has mentioned HAPI yet...it's based in Java, and open source. 还没有人提到过HAPI ...它基于Java和开源。 The front page has a bunch of 'HAPI by Example' code snippets that should help you get started. 主页上有一堆“示例HAPI”代码段,这些代码段可以帮助您入门。

This IS a very deep subject, however. 但是,这是一个非常深入的主题。 I'm currently writing a parser for labs coming from Spire (Cerner) using HAPI, and there's lots of little things you have to do to get it working. 我目前正在使用HAPI为来自Spire(Cerner)的实验室编写解析器,并且要做很多工作才能使它工作。 Notably, Cerner labs use ZDS (z-segments) in their labs, which requires some customization (z-segments are 'custom' segments that are not part of the HL7 standard). 值得注意的是,Cerner实验室在其实验室中使用ZDS(z段),这需要进行一些自定义(z段是不属于HL7标准的“自定义”段)。 They also send 'MDM R01' messages, which aren't part of any HL7 standard (they seem to be just ORU R01 messages with ZDS segments in them..). 他们还发送“ MDM R01”消息,这不是任何HL7标准的一部分(它们似乎只是其中包含ZDS段的ORU R01消息。)。

Has Cerner provided you with an interface specification? Cerner是否为您提供了接口规范? They should - if not, you should ask for one. 他们应该-如果没有,您应该要求一个。 Also get a spec document for EPIC. 另请获取EPIC的规格文档。

I don't think there is an API that will automatically translate the HL7 message from EPIC to Cerner - I think you'll have to do that bit yourself. 认为没有API可以自动将HL7消息从EPIC转换为Cerner-我认为您必须自己做。 But you can use an existing API to help you (it should make it much easier, considering a lot of the heavy lifting of parsing the HL7 message and enconding it should be done for you). 但是您可以使用现有的API来帮助您(考虑到解析HL7消息并认为应该为您完成的繁重工作,它应该使它变得更加容易)。

Anyway, good luck! 无论如何,祝你好运!

需要考虑的一份白皮书: 接口引擎在现代医疗保健中的作用 -引擎的主要功能

HL7 Integration engine: The integration engine is used to interface/talk (Communicate) between two applications. HL7集成引擎:集成引擎用于在两个应用程序之间进行接口/通话(Communicate)。 In your example Epic and Cerner. 在您的示例中,Epic和Cerner。 With the use of the EPIC, you are going to create new Orders and send these Orders to Cerner to Resultout the Orders. 使用EPIC,您将创建新的订单并将这些订单发送给Cerner以生成订单。 Here the EPIC may support one field and data type and Cerner may support different datatypes and other fields. 在这里,EPIC可以支持一个字段和数据类型,而Cerner可以支持不同的数据类型和其他字段。
Here you need Integration Engine to Conver one data type format for another data type format. 在这里,您需要Integration Engine将一种数据类型格式转换为另一种数据类型格式。 For Ex: We have different types of Integrations Engines Mirth / CloverLeaf / Rapsody etc Integration Engine as Mirth Connect is an Open source software. 例如:我们有不同类型的集成引擎Mirth / CloverLeaf / Rapsody等集成引擎,因为Mirth Connect是一个开源软件。 Here you are receiving the Orders from EPIC in EPIC format with the use of the Mirth you are going to convert these format to Cerner format. 在这里,您将使用Mirth接收EPIC格式的EPIC订单,您将把这些格式转换为Cerner格式。 Once the LIS Cerner accepts those Order and Resultout the message and needs to send back to EPIC as Results. 一旦LIS Cerner接受了这些Order和Resultout消息,并需要将其作为结果发送回EPIC。 Mirth will accept the Results from Cerner and in Cerner format and Mirth will pick these Results and Convert into the EPIC format and sent to the EPIC system. Mirth将接受来自Cerner的结果,并采用Cerner格式,Mirth将选择这些结果并转换为EPIC格式并发送到EPIC系统。

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