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插入符号 (^) 运算符有什么作用?

[英]What does the caret (^) operator do?

I ran across the caret operator in python today and trying it out, I got the following output:我今天在 python 中遇到了插入符运算符并尝试了一下,我得到了以下输出:

>>> 8^3
>>> 8^4
>>> 8^1
>>> 8^0
>>> 7^1
>>> 7^2
>>> 7^7
>>> 7^8
>>> 9^1
>>> 16^1
>>> 15^1

It seems to be based on 8, so I'm guessing some sort of byte operation?它似乎基于8,所以我猜测某种字节操作? I can't seem to find much about this searching sites other than it behaves oddly for floats, does anybody have a link to what this operator does or can you explain it here?我似乎找不到很多关于这个搜索网站的信息,除了它对浮动的行为很奇怪,有人有这个操作员做什么的链接吗?或者你能在这里解释一下吗?

It's a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR).这是一个按位异或(异或)。

It results to true if one (and only one) of the operands (evaluates to) true.如果一个(并且只有一个)操作数(计算结果)为真,则结果为真。

To demonstrate:展示:

>>> 0^0
>>> 1^1
>>> 1^0
>>> 0^1

To explain one of your own examples:解释您自己的示例之一:

>>> 8^3

Think about it this way:这样想:

1000  # 8 (binary)
0011  # 3 (binary)
----  # APPLY XOR ('vertically')
1011  # result = 11 (binary)


It's a bit-by-bit exclusive-or.这是一个一点一点的异或。 Binary bitwise operators are documented in chapter 5 of the Python Language Reference .二元按位运算符记录在Python Language Reference 的第 5 章中

Generally speaking, the symbol ^ is an infix version of the __xor__ or __rxor__ methods.一般来说,符号^__xor____rxor__方法的中版本。 Whatever data types are placed to the right and left of the symbol must implement this function in a compatible way.无论在符号的左右两侧放置什么数据类型,都必须以兼容的方式实现此功能。 For integers, it is the common XOR operation, but for example there is not a built-in definition of the function for type float with type int :对于整数,它是常见的XOR运算,但例如,对于类型为int float类型的函数没有内置定义:

In [12]: 3 ^ 4
Out[12]: 7

In [13]: 3.3 ^ 4
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-858cc886783d> in <module>()
----> 1 3.3 ^ 4

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'float' and 'int'

One neat thing about Python is that you can override this behavior in a class of your own. Python 的一个优点是您可以在自己的类中覆盖此行为。 For example, in some languages the ^ symbol means exponentiation.例如,在某些语言中, ^符号表示求幂。 You could do that this way, just as one example:你可以这样做,就像一个例子:

class Foo(float):
    def __xor__(self, other):
        return self ** other

Then something like this will work, and now, for instances of Foo only , the ^ symbol will mean exponentiation.然后像这样的事情会起作用,现在,对于Foo only 的实例^符号将意味着取幂。

In [16]: x = Foo(3)

In [17]: x
Out[17]: 3.0

In [18]: x ^ 4
Out[18]: 81.0

When you use the ^ operator, behind the curtains the method __xor__ is called.当您使用^运算符时,会在幕后调用方法__xor__

a^b is equivalent to a.__xor__(b) . a^b相当于a.__xor__(b)

Also, a ^= b is equivalent to a = a.__ixor__(b) (where __xor__ is used as a fallback when __ixor__ is implicitly called via using ^= but does not exist).此外, a ^= b等效于a = a.__ixor__(b) (其中__xor__用作通过使用^=隐式调用__ixor__但不存在时的后备)。

In principle, what __xor__ does is completely up to its implementation.原则上, __xor__所做的完全取决于它的实现。 Common use cases in Python are: Python 中的常见用例是:

  • Symmetric Difference of sets (all elements present in exactly one of two sets)集合的对称差(所有元素恰好出现在两个集合之一中)


>>> a = {1, 2, 3}
>>> b = {1, 4, 5}
>>> a^b
{2, 3, 4, 5}
>>> a.symmetric_difference(b)
{2, 3, 4, 5}
  • Bitwise Non-Equal for the bits of two integers两个整数的位的按位不相等


>>> a = 5
>>> b = 6
>>> a^b


    101 (5 decimal)
XOR 110 (6 decimal)
    011 (3 decimal)

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