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[英]A Built-in Function to Convert from String to Byte

I have the following function: 我有以下功能:

public static byte[] StringToByte(string str)
    int length = str.Length;
    byte[] ba = new byte[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        ba[i] = (byte)str[i];
    return ba;

I wonder whether there is a built-in function for this method? 我想知道这个方法是否有内置函数?

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding  encoding=new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] bytes= encoding.GetBytes(stringData);

Does not work. 不行。 Really - you rappraoch is broken. 真的 - 你的rappraoch坏了。 You ASSUME that the lower byte is the byte you need. 您假设低位字节是您需要的字节。 Waht you try to achieve? 你试图实现吗? ASCII representation of the string? 字符串的ASCII表示? What codepage? 什么代码页?

Check the following page: 请查看以下页面:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx

Use one of the classes mentioned there, possibly the ASCIIEncoding class. 使用其中提到的类之一,可能是ASCIIEncoding类。

The .NET Framework provides the following implementations of the Encoding class to support current Unicode encodings and other encodings: .NET Framework提供了Encoding类的以下实现,以支持当前的Unicode编码和其他编码:

The .NET Framework provides the following implementations of the Encoding class to support current Unicode encodings and other encodings: .NET Framework提供了Encoding类的以下实现,以支持当前的Unicode编码和其他编码:

  • ASCIIEncoding encodes Unicode characters as single 7-bit ASCII characters. ASCIIEncoding将Unicode字符编码为单个7位ASCII字符。 This encoding only supports character values between U+0000 and U+007F. 此编码仅支持U + 0000和U + 007F之间的字符值。 Code page 20127. Also available through the ASCII property. 代码页20127.也可通过ASCII属性获得。
  • UTF7Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-7 encoding. UTF7Encoding使用UTF-7编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 This encoding supports all Unicode character values. 此编码支持所有Unicode字符值。 Code page 65000. Also available through the UTF7 property. 代码页65000.也可通过UTF7属性获得。
  • UTF8Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-8 encoding. UTF8Encoding使用UTF-8编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 This encoding supports all Unicode character values. 此编码支持所有Unicode字符值。 Code page 65001. Also available through the UTF8 property. 代码页65001.也可通过UTF8属性获得。
  • UnicodeEncoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-16 encoding. UnicodeEncoding使用UTF-16编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 Both little endian (code page 1200) and big endian (code page 1201) byte orders are supported. 支持小端(代码页1200)和大端(代码页1201)字节顺序。 Also available through the Unicode property and the BigEndianUnicode property. 也可通过Unicode属性和BigEndianUnicode属性获得。
  • UTF32Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-32 encoding. UTF32Encoding使用UTF-32编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 Both little endian (code page 12000) and big endian (code page 12001) byte orders are supported. 支持小端(代码页12000)和大端(代码页12001)字节顺序。 Also available through the UTF32 property.ASCIIEncoding encodes Unicode characters as single 7-bit ASCII characters. 也可通过UTF32属性获得.ASCIIEncoding将Unicode字符编码为单个7位ASCII字符。 This encoding only supports character values between U+0000 and U+007F. 此编码仅支持U + 0000和U + 007F之间的字符值。 Code page 20127. Also available through the ASCII property. 代码页20127.也可通过ASCII属性获得。
  • UTF7Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-7 encoding. UTF7Encoding使用UTF-7编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 This encoding supports all Unicode character values. 此编码支持所有Unicode字符值。 Code page 65000. Also available through the UTF7 property. 代码页65000.也可通过UTF7属性获得。
  • UTF8Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-8 encoding. UTF8Encoding使用UTF-8编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 This encoding supports all Unicode character values. 此编码支持所有Unicode字符值。 Code page 65001. Also available through the UTF8 property. 代码页65001.也可通过UTF8属性获得。
  • UnicodeEncoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-16 encoding. UnicodeEncoding使用UTF-16编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 Both little endian (code page 1200) and big endian (code page 1201) byte orders are supported. 支持小端(代码页1200)和大端(代码页1201)字节顺序。 Also available through the Unicode property and the BigEndianUnicode property. 也可通过Unicode属性和BigEndianUnicode属性获得。
  • UTF32Encoding encodes Unicode characters using the UTF-32 encoding. UTF32Encoding使用UTF-32编码对Unicode字符进行编码。 Both little endian (code page 12000) and big endian (code page 12001) byte orders are supported. 支持小端(代码页12000)和大端(代码页12001)字节顺序。 Also available through the UTF32 property. 也可通过UTF32属性获得。

There is. 有。 It is Encoding.GetBytes . 它是Encoding.GetBytes

To be exact, and with an example: 确切地说,并举例说明:

public static byte[] StrToByteArray(string str) {
    System.Text.ASCIIEncoding  encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
    return encoding.GetBytes(str);

Replace ASCIIEncoding with the encoding you'd like to use. 将ASCIIEncoding替换为您要使用的编码。

string s = "Like this";
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] b = enc.GetBytes(s);

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