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[英]How can I call a function at the very end of document.ready

I have multiple document.ready functions on a page and I want a function to be called when all my document.ready functions have been executed. 我在页面上有多个document.ready函数,我希望在执行所有document.ready函数时调用一个函数。 I simply want the function to be called at the very end, after all other document.ready functions have executed. 我只是希望在所有其他document.ready函数执行完毕后,在最后调用该函数。 An example of this could be that each document.ready function increments a global variable when it has been executed, and the last function needs to check the value of that variable at the very end. 一个例子可能是每个document.ready函数在执行时递增一个全局变量,最后一个函数需要在最后检查该变量的值。

Any ideas ? 有任何想法吗 ?

This will be enough: 这就足够了:

$(function () {
    window.setTimeout(function () {
        // your stuff here
    }, 0);

This postpones the execution of your function after all other in the document ready queue are executed. 这会在执行文档就绪队列中的所有其他操作后推迟执行您的函数。

First idea (for small apps): Tidy up 第一个想法(适用于小型应用):整理一下

You can just put everything in one $().ready() call. 您可以将所有内容放在一个$()。ready()调用中。 It might nieed refactoring, but it's the right thing to do in most cases. 它可能会破坏重构,但在大多数情况下这是正确的做法。

Second idea: A Mediator [pattern] 第二个想法:中介[模式]

Create a mediator class that will register functions and call its register() instead of $().ready(). 创建一个中介类,它将注册函数并调用其register()而不是$()。ready()。 When all functions are registered You just loop over the collection and run them in the single and only $().ready() and You have a point in code that is just after all is executed. 当所有函数都被注册时你只需循环遍历集合并在单个中运行它们,只有$()。ready()并且你有一个代码点,就在执行之后。

I am currently developing a kind of a framework for jquery applications that has a mediator. 我目前正在为具有中介的jquery应用程序开发一种框架。 I might stick together a small version including the mediator if You're interested. 如果你感兴趣的话,我可能会把一个包括调解员在内的小版本粘在一起。

Why not just calling it after all the others ? 为什么不在所有其他人之后调用呢?


Of course you will have to cleanup your code to have only 1 place where the document ready function is used... but then your code would be more readable so it's worth it. 当然,你必须清理你的代码只有一个地方使用文件就绪功能......但是你的代码会更具可读性,所以它是值得的。

little hacky but might work, create a variable inside jquery scope like that 有点hacky但可能会工作,在jquery范围内创建一个变量

$.imDone = false

then create a function with setTimeout called after short time to lookup for the variable ser to true 然后在短时间内调用setTimeout创建一个函数,以查找变量ser为true

var theLastFunctionToCall = function(){
  alert('I m the last being called!')
var trigger = function(){

I only recommend this when u have different $(document).ready in different big js files, but if you can refactor i sincerelly recommend an optimal solution. 当你在不同的大js文件中有不同的$(document).ready时,我只推荐这个,但是如果你可以重构我自己推荐一个最佳的解决方案。

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