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[英]Flash Without a SWF File?

Is there any way to embed Flash completely in HTML, without reference to an external SWF file? 有什么方法可以完全将Flash嵌入HTML中,而无需引用外部SWF文件? I ask because I would like to send an HTML file as an email attachment that the recipient will open in a browser and fill out as a form. 我问是因为我想将HTML文件作为电子邮件附件发送,收件人将在浏览器中打开并填写表格。 The last step is that they will copy the result to their clipboard, paste it into a new message, and email it back. 最后一步是他们将结果复制到剪贴板,将其粘贴到新消息中,然后通过电子邮件发送回去。 I cannot reliably copy to the clipboard with JavaScript because of the security issues, but there are simple Flash apps to add that capability. 由于安全问题,我无法使用JavaScript可靠地复制到剪贴板,但是有一些简单的Flash应用程序可以添加该功能。

I know I could just display the response text (which will be Base64 encoded) to the recipient and have them copy/paste, but it would be nice to provide this small convenience to them. 我知道我可以只向接收者显示响应文本(将以Base64编码),然后将它们复制/粘贴,但是为他们提供这种小的便利会很好。

Also, so you are aware, the text is often too large to include in an email using mailto. 另外,您也知道,文本通常太大而无法包含在使用mailto的电子邮件中。

Yes. 是。 This needs to be done via email. 这需要通过电子邮件完成。 The users have slow, occasional satellite email access and no other data connection to the interwebs. 用户的卫星电子邮件访问速度有时很慢,并且没有其他数据连接到Internet。 To make things worse, I cannot make them install anything. 更糟的是,我无法让他们安装任何东西。 It is a difficult situation. 这是一个困难的局面。

You could always send them a PDF instead, since PDFs support interactive forms. 由于PDF支持交互式表单,因此您始终可以向他们发送PDF。 You'd need one copy of Acrobat (or a similar tool, there are alternatives out there) and your users need free copies of Acrobat Reader. 您需要一个Acrobat副本(或类似的工具,那里有替代品),而您的用户则需要免费的Acrobat Reader副本。 Results can be sent back as a PDF or in XML form for processing. 可以将结果以PDF或XML格式发送回去进行处理。 PDF form validation is pretty advanced and can include Javascript. PDF表单验证非常先进,可以包含Javascript。


Even if you did embed the .swf in the email as a MIME attachment or in a data url, there doesn't seem to be any way to tell the player to load the movie from that data url, eg: 即使您确实将.swf作为MIME附件或数据url嵌入电子邮件中,似乎也没有任何办法告诉播放器从该数据url加载电影,例如:

<object .....>
    <param name="movie" value="cid:TheEmbeddedSWFData" />

as you would with HTML emails with embedded images. 就像处理带有嵌入式图像的HTML电子邮件一样。 As far as I can tell, the player expects to load the .swf using regular HTTP GET requests only. 据我所知,播放器希望仅使用常规HTTP GET请求加载.swf。 No "please send me the embedded data within email #632523462423 with CID of 'blahblahblah'". 没有“请向我发送CID为'blahblahblah'的电子邮件中的嵌入式数据#632523462423”。

What about compiling the .swf using Adobe Air or any of the .swf-to-.exe compilers ? 如何使用Adobe Air或任何.swf-to-.exe编译器编译.swf

That way you just attach the resulting executable, the client saves it to their machine, runs it, and the Flash application runs as a regular program, no browser required. 这样,您只需附加生成的可执行文件,客户端便将其保存到其计算机上并运行它,然后Flash应用程序作为常规程序运行,而无需浏览器。

You cannot include Flash in emails. 您不能在电子邮件中包含Flash。 90% of email systems will mark it as spam or strip it out. 90%的电子邮件系统会将其标记为垃圾邮件或将其删除。

Give me a link to the file or use a PDF as El Zorko said. 给我一个文件链接,或者像El Zorko所说的那样使用PDF。

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