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[英]What is the difference between SynchronizationContext.Send and SynchronizationContext.Post?

Thanks to Jeremy Miller's good work in Functional Programming For Everyday .NET Development , I have a working command executor that does everything I want it to (do heavy lifting on the thread pool, send results or errors back to the synchronization context, and even post progress back to the synchronization context), but I can't explain why it uses SynchronizationContext.Send from the thread-pool and Synchronization.Post from the Func passed into the method that does the heavy lifting. 感谢Jeremy Miller在日常.NET开发的功能编程方面所做的出色工作,我有一个工作的命令执行器,它可以完成我想要的所有工作(对线程池进行繁重的工作,将结果或错误发送回同步环境,甚至发布进度回同步上下文),但我无法解释为什么它使用SynchronizationContext.Send从线程池和Synchronization.PostFunc传递到了做繁重的方法。 I have read the documentation, several times, but I just can't get a gut sense for what the difference is. 我已经多次阅读过这些文档,但我对于它的不同之处并不是很有道理。 What am I supposed to get from the fact that one is called Send and one is called Post ? 我应该从一个名为Send的事实中得到什么,一个叫做Post I sense the magic is in the fact Send "starts a synchronous request" and Post "starts an asynchronous request", but both requests come from the thread pool and need to be sent/posted back to the UI thread. 我感觉神奇的是Send “启动同步请求”和Post “启动异步请求”,但这两个请求都来自线程池,需要发送/发回到UI线程。

Can someone explain the difference, even if it is just a mnemonic device that lets me know when to choose one over the other? 有人可以解释这个区别,即使它只是一个助记符设备,让我知道何时选择一个而不是另一个?

In case it matters, this is my test code where I use Post to send progress back to the UI: 如果重要,这是我的测试代码 ,我使用Post将进度发送回UI:

private Action _ExecuteCommand
                (SynchronizationContext context
                 , Action<int, int> progress
                 , Action<int, int> after)
    int count = 3;
    int accumulatedValue = 0;
    int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        context.Post(delegate { progress(i + 1, threadId); });
        accumulatedValue += i;

    return () => after(threadId, accumulatedValue);

That _ExecuteCommand method is passed in as the command parameter below, mostly from the original article, that uses Send to send completion and error message back to the UI: _ExecuteCommand方法作为下面的command参数传入,主要来自原始文章,它使用Send将完成和错误消息发送回UI:

public void Execute(Func<Action> command, Action<Exception> error)
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
             Action continuation = command();
             _Context.Send(s => continuation());
         catch (Exception e)
             _Context.Send(s => error(e));

Send - synchronous: wait for answer (or action completed) 发送 - 同步:等待回答(或动作完成)

Post - asynchronous: drop off and continue 后异步:下拉并继续

So your example uses the correct methods at the right moments. 因此,您的示例在正确的时刻使用正确的方法。 There is no need to halt the for-loop until the progress update is complete (on the contrary). 在进度更新完成之前,无需停止for循环(相反)。
And Execute does want to wait for the Action to complete, otherwise the exception handling has no purpose. 并且Execute确实要等待Action完成,否则异常处理没有任何意义。

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