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如何在oibernate中将oracle timestamp映射到适当的java类型?

[英]How to map oracle timestamp to appropriate java type in hibernate?

I am new to hibernate and I am stumped. 我是新来的冬眠,我很难过。 In my database I have tables that have a columns of TIMESTAMP(6) . 在我的数据库中,我有一些列有TIMESTAMP(6) I am using Netbeans 6.5.1 and when I generate the hibernate.reveng.xml , hbm.xml files , and pojo files it sets the columns to be of type Serializable . 我正在使用Netbeans 6.5.1,当我生成hibernate.reveng.xmlhbm.xml filespojo files它将列设置为Serializable类型。 This is not what I expected, nor what I want them to be. 这不是我的预期,也不是我想要的。

I found this post on the hibernate forums saying to place: 我在hibernate论坛上发现这篇帖子说要放置:

<sql-type jdbc-type="OTHER" hibernate-type="java.sql.Timestamp" />

in the hibernate.reveng.xml file. hibernate.reveng.xml文件中。

In Netbeans you are not able to generate the mappings from this file (it creates a new one every time) and it does not seem to have the ability to re-generate them from the file either (at least according to this it is slated to be available in version 7). 在Netbeans中,您无法从此文件生成映射(它每次都会创建一个新映射)并且它似乎无法从文件中重新生成它们(至少根据此文件它将被定为在版本7中可用)。

So I am trying to figure out what to do. 所以我想弄清楚要做什么。 I am more inclined to believe I am doing something wrong since I am new to this, and it seems like it would be a common problem for others. 我更倾向于相信我做错了事,因为我是新手,并且看起来这对其他人来说是一个普遍的问题。

  • So what am I doing wrong? 那么我做错了什么?
  • If I am not doing anything wrong, how do I work around this? 如果我没有做错什么,我该如何解决这个问题呢?

I am using Netbeans 6.5, Oracle 10G, and I believe Hibernate 3 (it came with my netbeans). 我使用的是Netbeans 6.5,Oracle 10G,我相信Hibernate 3(它带有我的netbeans)。

Edit: Meant to say I found this stackoverflow question, but it is really a different problem. 编辑:我想说我发现了这个 stackoverflow问题,但这确实是一个不同的问题。

UPDATE: The oracle jdbc driver I was using (ojdbc14.jar) is I have now also tried: 更新:我使用的oracle jdbc驱动程序(ojdbc14.jar)是9.我现在也尝试过:

  • ojdbc14.jar version ojdbc14.jar版本10.
  • ojdbc6.jar version ojdbc6.jar版本11.

I found a work around for this problem. 我找到了解决这个问题的方法。 The issue itself seems to revolve around the fact that Netbeans 6.5 (and I later versions up to this point) do not allow you to reverse engineer a database from an existing hibernate.reveng.xml file. 问题本身似乎围绕着Netbeans 6.5(以及我之前的版本到目前为止)不允许您从现有的hibernate.reveng.xml文件对数据库进行逆向工程的事实。 This is slated to be available in version 7. 这将在版本7中提供。

The work around I found is to create an ant task to recreate the hbm.xml and pojo java files. 我找到的工作是创建一个ant任务来重新创建hbm.xml和pojo java文件。 I currently have this hooked to happen when I do a clean and build, but I am going to try to find a way to to have it completely separate, since it will only need to be ran when the database schema changes. 我现在有这个钩子发生在我做一个干净和构建,但我将尝试找到一种方法来完全分开,因为它只需要在数据库架构更改时运行。

To accomplish this when you do a clean and build though you need to edit your build.xml file. 要在执行清理和构建时完成此操作,但需要编辑build.xml文件。

The first part is the libraries you will need. 第一部分是您需要的库。 So add: 所以添加:

<path id="toolslib">
        <path location="lib/hibernate-support/hibernate-tools.jar" />
        <path location="lib/hibernate-support/hibernate3.jar" />
        <path location="lib/hibernate-support/freemarker.jar" />
        <path location="lib/hibernate-support/jtidy-r938.jar" />
        <path location="lib/ojdbc14.jar" />

You should already have the hibernate-tools.jar, hibernate3.jar, and ojdbc14.jar files on you machine. 您应该已经在机器上安装了hibernate-tools.jar,hibernate3.jar和ojdbc14.jar文件。 So just change the path to them. 所以只需改变它们的路径。 The freemaker.jar and jtidy-r938.jar will need to be downloaded, as I did not have those. 需要下载freemaker.jarjtidy-r938.jar ,因为我没有这些。

Below this in the build.xml you will need to add: build.xml下面你需要添加:

<taskdef name="hibernatetool"
        <fileset dir="lib">
            <include name="**/*.jar"/>

The last section you will need is the set to run in the post-clean section: 您需要的最后一部分是在后清理部分中运行的设置:

<target name="-post-clean">
        <delete dir="src/*Put the foler where your pojos and hbm.xml files are located*"/>
                packagename="*the package where you want them recreated*"
            <hbm2hbmxml destdir="src" />
            <hbm2java  destdir="src" />
  • The delete portion will delete the existing hbm and pojo files, before they are re-created. 删除部分将在重新创建之前删除现有的hbm和pojo文件。
  • The configurationfile points to your main configuration file. configurationfile点到你的主配置文件。
  • The package name is the dot separated package you want them created in ( com.stackoverflow.pojo for example). 包名称是您希望它们创建的点分隔包(例如com.stackoverflow.pojo )。
  • The revengfile is the reverse engineering xml file to use when creating the hbm and pojo files. revengfile是在创建hbm和pojo文件时使用的反向工程xml文件。
  • The hbm2hbmxml will create the hbm.xml files of your tables. hbm2hbmxml将创建表的hbm.xml文件。
  • The hbm2java will create the java pojo files of your tables. hbm2java将创建表的java pojo文件。

Now to get the Oracle Timestamps to be something other than Serializable , edit the hibernate.reveng.xml file and add: 现在要使Oracle Timestamps不是Serializable ,编辑hibernate.reveng.xml文件并添加:

        <sql-type jdbc-type="OTHER" hibernate-type="java.sql.Timestamp" />

just after the schema-selection tag. 就在架构选择标签之后。

So a clean and build and the timestamps will not be java.sql.Timestamp instead of Serializable objects. 所以一个干净的构建和时间戳将不是java.sql.Timestamp而不是Serializable对象。

This is a long answer I know, but this should also work for any other changes that you would have to set in the hibernate.reveng.xml file (I think). 这是我所知道的一个很长的答案,但这也应该适用于您必须在hibernate.reveng.xml文件中设置的任何其他更改(我认为)。 I am no expert in hibernate, so your mileage may vary with this. 我不是冬眠的专家,所以你的里程可能因此而异。

UPDATE: So after some googling I found this site about custom ant tasks in Netbeans. 更新:所以经过一些谷歌搜索后,我发现这个网站关于Netbeans中的自定义蚂蚁任务。 So I simply changed the name of the target to be gen-dao and now it does not run every time I do a clean and build, just when I specifically invoke it. 所以我只是简单地将目标的名称更改为gen-dao ,现在每次执行clean和build时它都不会运行,就在我专门调用它时。

I faced similar issue and resolved it by writing my own RevengNamingStrategy. 我遇到了类似的问题并通过编写自己的RevengNamingStrategy来解决它。

I have a table having two columns as TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIMEZONE and in reverse engineering process they are mapping to seralizable. 我有一个表有两列作为TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE和TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIMEZONE的表,在逆向工程过程中,它们映射到可串行。

SqlTypes of TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIMEZONE types are -101 and -102.And As there is no hibernate mapping types in java.sql.Types for these types,hence they are mapping to seralizable. TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE和TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIMEZONE类型的SqlTypes是-101和-102.And由于java.sql.Types中没有针对这些类型的hibernate映射类型,因此它们映射到可序列化。

So Wrote my own RevengNamingStrategy,which converts these type to Timestamp.Which intern converts to hibernate TimeStampType. 所以写了我自己的RevengNamingStrategy,它将这些类型转换为Timestamp.Which实习生转换为hibernate TimeStampType。

public class OracleRevengNamingStrategy extends DefaultRevengNamingStrategy {

    private static final Integer TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE_SQL_CODE = -101;

    private static final Integer TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIMEZONE_SQL_CODE = -102;

    public OracleRevengNamingStrategy(ReverseEngineeringStrategy delegate) {

    // Converts Timestamp with tomezone and Time stamp with local time zone to Timestamp
    public String columnToHibernateTypeName(TableIdentifier table, String columnName, int sqlType, int length, int precision, int scale,
                                            boolean nullable, boolean generatedIdentifier) {
        String type;

            type = "timestamp";
        } else {
            type = super.columnToHibernateTypeName(table, columnName, sqlType, length, precision, scale, nullable, generatedIdentifier);

        return type;


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