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如何禁用从 Rich Edit 控件拖动

[英]How to disable dragging from a Rich Edit Control

I use a subclass of CRichEditCtrl to provide a CEdit+ type control.我使用 CRichEditCtrl 的子类来提供 CEdit+ 类型控件。 One thing I want is to disable drag-drop functionality, which the base class provided by default.我想要的一件事是禁用拖放功能,默认情况下是基类提供的。

Disabling dropping is easy: ::RevokeDragDrop(m_hWnd);禁用删除很容易::RevokeDragDrop(m_hWnd);

But I can't see a simple way to disable the control being a drag-source.但是我看不到一种简单的方法来禁用控件是拖动源。 Is there an easy way?有没有简单的方法?

To Override Starting Drag-and-Drop in the RichEdit Control:要覆盖RichEdit控件中的开始拖放:

  1. Implement IRichEditOleCallback interface.实现IRichEditOleCallback接口。
  2. implement GetDragDropEffect() method of the interface like this:像这样实现接口的GetDragDropEffect()方法:
HRESULT CRichEditOleCallback::GetDragDropEffect( BOOL fDrag, DWORD grfKeyState,
            LPDWORD pdwEffect)
    CComPtr<IDataObject> pdata_obj;
    CComQIPtr<IDropSource> psource;
    DWORD dwEffect;

    // You put here your own data-object code....

    DoDragDrop( pdata_obj, psource, DROPEFFECT_COPY|DROPEFFECT_MOVE, &dwEffect);
    // This executes your own drag and drop function.


Most important here is return E_ABORT;这里最重要的是return E_ABORT; this causes quitting default drag and drop operation and starting the customized one.这会导致退出默认拖放操作并开始自定义拖放操作。

To Override Receiving Drag and Drop Operation in the RichEdit Control:RichEdit控件中覆盖接收拖放操作:

  1. Implement your own IDropTarget Interface.实现您自己的IDropTarget接口。
  2. Register IDropTarget interface like this:像这样注册IDropTarget接口:

After Creating RichEdit control in RichEdit derived subclass function:RichEdit派生子类函数中创建RichEdit控件后:

CComPtr<IDropTarget> pDropTarget; // this is your own customized drop target.

RevokeDragDrop(m_hWnd); // unregister default IDropTarget interface of Rich Edit.
RegisterDragDrop(m_hWnd, pDropTarget);

This example overrides the default drop target function of RichEdit .此示例覆盖RichEdit的默认放置目标函数。

Caveat: I'm away from my compiler, so I can't check this.警告:我远离我的编译器,所以我无法检查这个。

I can't think of a simple way either, but ...我也想不出一个简单的方法,但是......

This is an article about extending a text control to support dragging.这是一篇关于扩展文本控件以支持拖动的文章。 http://www.code-magazine.com/article.aspx?quickid=0407031&page=5 http://www.code-magazine.com/article.aspx?quickid=0407031&page=5

Yes, it's the exact opposite of what you want.是的,这与您想要的完全相反。

But consider that it's about detecting the mouse messages that indicate that you want to initiate a drag action.但请考虑这是关于检测指示您要启动拖动操作的鼠标消息。 If your subclass did this, and then just didn't let the CRichEditCtrl get the window message(s) that triggers the drag, the drag wouldn't start.如果您的子类这样做,然后只是没有让 CRichEditCtrl 获取触发拖动的窗口消息,则拖动将不会开始。

Might work.可能工作。

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