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[英]jQuery to get innerHTML not working on a HTMLFontElement object

I have jQuery to select all font elements that are children of the element with id="right" within the html stored in the var html ... when I do an alert to see how many elements it gets: 我用jQuery选择所有font元素,它们是var html存储的html中id="right"元素的子元素,当我发出警报以查看有多少个元素时:

alert($("#right > font", html).length);

it gives me an alert of: 5 它给我警报: 5

but when I try any of the following, I don't get any alerts... 但是当我尝试以下任何一种方法时,都不会收到任何警报...

alert($("#right > font", html)[0].html());
alert($("#right > font", html)[0].text());
alert($("#right > font", html)[0].val());

Any Ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thanks, 谢谢,
Matt 马特

Since the element is not an instance of jQuery, and its just a DOM object you can't use any of the jQuery methods. 由于元素不是jQuery的实例,而是DOM对象,因此您不能使用任何jQuery方法。 You can use innerHTML to get the result. 您可以使用innerHTML获得结果。

alert($("#right > font", html)[0].innerHTML);

If you want to apply any of the jQuery methods to the element you have to make it a jquery object like 如果要对元素应用任何jQuery方法,则必须使其成为一个jquery对象,例如

alert($($("#right > font", html)[0]).html());

or 要么

$("#right > font").each(function(){

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