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[英]Lightweight JMS broker

I'm looking for a small and yet efficient enough lightweight JMS broker solution with no or minimum of dependencies. 我正在寻找一个小而高效的轻量级JMS代理解决方案,没有或只有最少的依赖。 My messaging code should be running in the environment with a lot of dependencies I have no control of. 我的消息传递代码应该在我无法控制的很多依赖项的环境中运行。 Thus it would make ridiculous to deploy say ActiveMQ solution along with my custom bunch of classes. 因此,将ActiveMQ解决方案与我的一系列自定义类一起部署,这将是荒谬的。

Currently I'm investigating FFMQ solution. 目前我正在调查FFMQ解决方案。 It's open source (GNU LGPL license), has only 4 dependencies (commons-logging, log4j, jms and jmx), and it's mature enough to accomplish my goals. 它是开源的(GNU LGPL许可证),只有4个依赖项(commons-logging,log4j,jms和jmx),它已经足够成熟以实现我的目标。

Especially if you're using spring, don't count activemq out. 特别是如果你使用弹簧,不要计算activemq。 You can also run it as an embedded server, and it isn't really all that heavyweight. 您也可以将其作为嵌入式服务器运行,并不是那么重量级。

Look at: http://activemq.apache.org/how-do-i-embed-a-broker-inside-a-connection.html 请看: http//activemq.apache.org/how-do-i-embed-a-broker-inside-a-connection.html

I assume that you are looking for lightweight solutions for JMS provider and dont want go with (EMS, Apache etc.) but still need to use JMS. 我假设您正在为JMS提供商寻找轻量级解决方案,并且不想使用(EMS,Apache等),但仍需要使用JMS。

Have a look at Building a Lightweight JMS Provider may be this is what you need. 看看构建轻量级JMS提供程序可能就是您需要的。

If JMS is not a hard requirement, and you are simply looking for a Messaging/Event system, you should take a look at Java EE 6 Events: 如果JMS不是硬性要求,并且您只是在寻找消息传递/事件系统,那么您应该看一下Java EE 6事件:

http://java.dzone.com/articles/java-ee6-events-lightweight http://java.dzone.com/articles/java-ee6-events-lightweight


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