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[英]inet_ntoa problem

I am declaring following variables 我在声明以下变量

unsigned long   dstAddr;
unsigned long   gateWay;
unsigned long   mask;

These variables contains ipaddresses in network byte order. 这些变量包含网络字节顺序的ipaddress。 So when I am trying to print the dot notation using inet_ntoa function for mask variable sometimes it is printing strange values. 因此,当我尝试使用inet_ntoa函数的mask变量打印点表示法时,有时会打印出奇怪的值。 The below code is in a while loop .. which loops for n times. 下面的代码在while循环中..循环了n次。


but it should be 但应该是

I printed the HEX values of the variables and it shows .. 我打印了变量的十六进制值,它显示..

007aa8c0    00000000      ffffff00  

So is this because of inet_ntoa ?? 那是因为inet_ntoa吗?

Actually I am trying to get the values of the declared variables from 254 routing table in kernel via NETLINKS. 实际上,我正在尝试通过NETLINKS从内核中的254路由表中获取声明的变量的值。 I guess I should still use inet_ntoa function to convert the value into dot notation .. ?? 我想我仍然应该使用inet_ntoa函数将值转换为点表示法。


Well, given that it works for your non-mask values (including the first which also has the high bit set), I'd be looking at what mask actually contains. 好吧,鉴于它适用于您的非掩码值(包括第一个也设置了高位的值),我将查看mask实际包含的内容。

What is it when you print it out as a normal unsigned long? 以正常的无符号长打印出来是什么? My bet is that mask is actually not the correct value: 我敢打赌, mask实际上不是正确的值:

printf ("%08x\t%08x\t%08x\n", dstAddr, gateWay, mask);

(assuming you have four-byte longs). (假设您有四字节长)。

For example, this little program (compiled under Cygwin): 例如,这个小程序(在Cygwin下编译):

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
    unsigned long dstAddr, gateWay, mask;
    dstAddr = 0x007aa8c0;
    gateWay = 0x00000000;
    mask    = 0x00ffffff;

    printf("%-15s %-15s %-15s\n",
        inet_ntoa (dstAddr),
        inet_ntoa (gateWay),
        inet_ntoa (mask));

    printf("%-15s ",  inet_ntoa (dstAddr));
    printf("%-15s ",  inet_ntoa (gateWay));
    printf("%-15s\n", inet_ntoa (mask));

    printf ("%08x%8s%08x%8s%08x\n",
        dstAddr, "",
        gateWay, "",

    return 0;

outputs: 输出:
007aa8c0        00000000        00ffffff

Note that I had to separate my calls to inet_ntoa as it appears to use a static buffer. 请注意,由于它似乎使用静态缓冲区,因此必须分开对inet_ntoa调用。 When I was doing it all within a single printf , it overwrote the contents of that buffer before any of them were printed, hence I only got the last one processed. 当我在单个printf所有操作时,它在打印任何缓冲区之前都会覆盖该缓冲区的内容,因此,我只处理了最后一个缓冲区。 I don't think that's happening in your case since you're getting different values. 我不认为这种情况正在发生,因为您获得了不同的价值观。

I also have the same problem with you. 我也跟你有同样的问题。 Use inet_ntop() and inet_pton() if you need it other way around. 如果您需要其他方式,请使用inet_ntop()和inet_pton()。 Do not use inet_ntoa(), inet_aton() and similar as they are deprecated and don't support ipv6. 不要使用inet_ntoa(),inet_aton()等类似的东西,因为它们已被弃用并且不支持ipv6。 see link: convert Ip address int to string 请参阅链接: 将IP地址int转换为字符串

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