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[英]Wrapping a C# service in a console app to debug it

I want to debug a service written in C# and the old fashioned way is just too long. 我想调试一个用C#编写的服务,老式的方式太长了。 I have to stop the service, start my application that uses the service in debug mode (Visual studio 2008), start the service, attach to the service process and then navigate in my Asp.Net application to trigger the service. 我必须停止服务,启动我在调试模式下使用该服务的应用程序(Visual Studio 2008),启动服务,附加到服务进程,然后在我的Asp.Net应用程序中导航以触发服务。

I basically have the service running in the background, waiting for a task. 我基本上让服务在后台运行,等待任务。 The web application will trigger a task to be picked up by the service. Web应用程序将触发服务选择的任务。

What I would like to do is to have a console application that fires the service in an effort for me to debug. 我想要做的是有一个控制台应用程序来激活服务,以便我调试。 Is there any simple demo that anybody knows about? 有没有人知道的简单演示?

You can do something like this in the main entry point: 您可以在主入口点执行以下操作:

static void Main()
    Service1 s = new Service1();
    s.Init(); // Init() is pretty much any code you would have in OnStart().
    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
    ServicesToRun=new ServiceBase[] 
        new Service1() 

and in your OnStart Event handler: 并在您的OnStart事件处理程序中:

protected override void OnStart(string[] args)

The approach I always take is to isolate out all of your application's logic into class libraries. 我总是采用的方法是将所有应用程序的逻辑隔离到类库中。 This makes your service project really just a shell that hosts your class libraries as a service. 这使得您的服务项目实际上只是一个托管您的类库作为服务的shell。

By doing this, you can easily unit test and debug your code, without having to deal with the headache of debugging a service by attaching to a process. 通过这样做,您可以轻松地对代码进行单元测试和调试,而无需通过附加到进程来处理调试服务的麻烦。 I'd recommend unit testing of course, but if you're not doing that then adding a console application that calls the same entry point as your service is the way to go. 我当然建议进行单元测试,但是如果你没有这样做,那么添加一个控制台应用程序,它可以调用与你的服务相同的入口点。

To avoid using global defines I generally test at run-time whether I'm a service or regular application through the Environment.UserInteractive property. 为了避免使用全局定义,我通常在运行时测试我是通过Environment.UserInteractive属性的服务还是常规应用程序。

    private static void Main()
        if (!Environment.UserInteractive)
            ServiceBase[] aServicesToRun;

            // More than one NT Service may run within the same process. To add
            // another service to this process, change the following line to
            // create a second service object. For example,
            //   ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase () {New ServiceMain, New MySecondUserService}
            aServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] {new ServiceMain()};

            var oService = new ServiceMain();

You could call the service methods via reflection as seen below. 您可以通过反射调用服务方法,如下所示。

Using Environment.UserInteractive enables us to know if we are running as a console app or as a service. 使用Environment.UserInteractive使我们能够知道我们是作为控制台应用程序还是作为服务运行。

ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]
    new MyService()

if (!Environment.UserInteractive)
    // This is what normally happens when the service is run.
    // Here we call the services OnStart via reflection.
    Type type = typeof(ServiceBase);
    BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
    MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("OnStart", flags);

    foreach (ServiceBase service in ServicesToRun)
        Console.WriteLine("Running " + service.ServiceName + ".OnStart()");
        // Your Main method might not have (string[] args) but you could add that to be able to send arguments in.
        method.Invoke(service, new object[] { args });

    Console.WriteLine("Finished running all OnStart Methods.");

    foreach (ServiceBase service in ServicesToRun)
        Console.WriteLine("Running " + service.ServiceName + ".OnStop()");

TopShelf is another project that is perfect for this approach. TopShelf是另一个非常适合这种方法的项目。 It allows you to run a process as a service, or as a regular console application with minimal configuration. 它允许您将进程作为服务运行,或作为具有最少配置的常规控制台应用程序运行。

I tend to have either a config setting or use a directive for debug builds: 我倾向于使用配置设置或使用指令进行调试构建:

 #if DEBUG

or 要么


I put that in the OnStart method of the service component. 我把它放在服务组件的OnStart方法中。 Then you are prompted automatically and attached to the process. 然后会自动提示您并附加到该过程。

Here is a blog post about running your windows service as a console app. 这是一篇关于将Windows服务作为控制台应用程序运行的博客文章

You could also just create a new Console Application that references the same logic as your service to test methods, or set up Unit Tests on your services' logic 您也可以创建一个新的控制台应用程序,它引用与您的服务相同的逻辑来测试方法,或者在服务逻辑上设置单元测试

I have used unit tests to debug difficult setups in the past, just write a unit test that calls whatever service method with whatever parameters and set debug breakpoints in the unit test. 我过去曾使用单元测试来调试困难的设置,只需编写一个单元测试,用任何参数调用任何服务方法,并在单元测试中设置调试断点。

Using testdriven.net or jetbrains testrunner makes it easier. 使用testdriven.net或jetbrains testrunner可以更轻松。

I use this to check if my process is running as a service or not. 我用它来检查我的进程是否作为服务运行。

public class ServiceDiagnostics
    readonly bool _isUserService;
    readonly bool _isLocalSystem;
    readonly bool _isInteractive;

    public ServiceDiagnostics()
        var wi = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        var wp = new WindowsPrincipal(wi);

        var serviceSid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.ServiceSid, null);
        var localSystemSid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.LocalSystemSid, null);
        var interactiveSid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.InteractiveSid, null);

        this._isUserService = wp.IsInRole(serviceSid);

        // Neither Interactive or Service was present in the current user's token, This implies 
        // that the process is running as a service, most likely running as LocalSystem.
        this._isLocalSystem = wp.IsInRole(localSystemSid);

        // This process has the Interactive SID in its token.  This means that the process is 
        // running as a console process.
        this._isInteractive = wp.IsInRole(interactiveSid);

    public bool IsService
        get { return this.IsUserService || this.IsLocalSystem || !this.IsInteractive; }    

    public bool IsConsole
        get { return !this.IsService; }

    /// <summary>
    /// This process has the Service SID in its token. This means that the process is running 
    /// as a service running in a user account (not local system).
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsUserService
        get { return this._isUserService; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Neither Interactive or Service was present in the current user's token, This implies 
    /// that the process is running as a service, most likely running as LocalSystem.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsLocalSystem
        get { return this._isLocalSystem; }

    /// <summary>
    /// This process has the Interactive SID in its token.  This means that the process is 
    /// running as a console process.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsInteractive
        get { return this._isInteractive; }

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